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Guy livestreaming just alt+f4'd.

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As stated in the title.

They were raiding a camp, got shot at, noob streamer tried to make a getaway in a bus (there were plenty of other vehicles) then alt+f4'd.

Having fun abusing him. Join me :-D


Not true
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Go to his channel on twitch.tv and there is a video section. There you can find the exact time that it happened and provide evidence. Otherwise you probably got banned from his chat and are acting like a bitch because you couldn't get the attention of the streamer.

Get a life kiddo and get a hug from mommy.

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he did not alt-f4 is ran away and then aborted to go onto a new sevrer and was not being shot at when he logged out. Plus why does it bother you what someone else does in a game

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He sounds like an entire bag of douche. And why disconnect? Oh, i'm being shot at? I should get somewhere safe and log off. Why not find the guy and kill the one who was shooting at you?

And "its a game" yet you're disconnecting instead of responding?

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He did not Alt f4, He got out of the bus and ran at least 100m's away to safety then he disconnected.

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He is a sad fuck.

Worthless coward.

And Towelliee, if its just a video game. Then fucking take it like a man and die instead of disconnecting.

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He is a sad fuck.

Worthless coward.

And Towelliee, if its just a video game. Then fucking take it like a man and die instead of disconnecting.


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You do realise that when you point out a random thing someone does to make the writer of their post more easily recognisable, and call it a bad thing; it makes you look like an asshole :-D

Please don't annoy normal members of the community, and focus on the wanker in the origional post!

But he was 100% accurate

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that fat fuk alt f4 likea pussy i saw it with my own eyes. i hate cowards like him, hes a disgrace for us real gamers

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This guy wished he could be like me, but he can't. I'm the only fat ass that people love. He needs to go back to being a wow nerd and leave the games to the pros.


#1 youtube star, world

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"he had the high ground i had no choice [but to log off]"

what a pussy. anybody got his IGN? lets hunt him.

Edited by -Evo

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Towliee is an amazing dude i would let him even touch me in private places thats how cool that guy is yano he did not alt f4 he ran to a safe place he was not under fie so technically he wasnt running from a battle he tran away and got himself in to a safe spot tp log out.. Maybe he needed a piss or sh*t or something yano.. Leave the guy alone hes swell :D I LOVE YOU TOWLIEE <3

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U misty bro? Its a game. Tons of people dc when I am shooting them. Get outside more.


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I had to make an account for this. This Towelliee guy. He was in the server, and he saw the alice pack. his friend tells him its better than the one he has at the moment. then the server restarts and he is saying things like "Fuck my life!" then sees this thread and starts calling people out saying its just a game.

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