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Rolling Dice Gaming Community (Cooperative)

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Hey guys

Rolling dice is a new gaming community started up roughly 5 months ago, we are looking for people to join us on our DayZ Shard.

We have realized that a small number of people working together just isnt enough to jumpstart our server and are looking for people to join our community.

Were mostly looking for friendlies to help build and stock a base . But more than anything we want constants. People who will use our server as a home rather than jump around.

We have two admins on the server who are usualy on during the evening GMT. but will be looking for more people we can trust to cover other timezones.

Looking at the RP aspect of the game, we want too recreate something similar to The Walking Dead, a group of survivors struggling to get by. Sending raiding parties out to get supplies etc. We just need more friendlies.

Our server is currently on GMT -3 for maximum daylight time during European hours.

Here are our details.

Website: www.rollingdice.co.uk

Mumble Server: *

DayZ Server: DayZ - UK204 ( Or just filter names for Rolling Dice)

*Mumble is a 3rd Party voice communication software. Similar to ventrillo or TS3. Hwoever its very cut back, has a brilliant overlay which can be customised and moved anywhere and fantastic sound quality.

You can download it from here. www.mumble.com

Edited by Gibbons

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i might give this a try, im new (4 days ingame[2days without a death \o/]) got some basic gear.

do i need to register on your webpage or just simply walk into mo.. mumble?

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I might be in if you're willing to let me have a shot. I'm from Sweden, been playing since late May. Currently on a new character, got sniped in NWAF the other day.

EDIT: Registered on website, and have the Mumble server added to my bookmark list. Will try to join Mumble later today.

Edited by Dicey

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Im American and have actual military experience. If you're willing to accept a Yank Id be down to play with you all. Shall I join your mumble or simply log on your server?

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Feel free to just hop on mumble, The website is only for access to our forums to be honest, You dont need to be an acctualy member of the community to play with us if you dont want to. However joining the community gives you access to the [RD] Tag to let people know you are a part of the community for that server and if you are killed, likleyhood is the rest of us will be comming in for some revenge :)

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Im American and have actual military experience. If you're willing to accept a Yank Id be down to play with you all. Shall I join your mumble or simply log on your server?

Race , ethnicity and counrty of origin are all irellivent in Rolling dice, its all about playing together and working well as a team. If you click your welcome to join us. as i said in a previous post. Your welcome to join us on mumble and start playing before signing up to the website.

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Mumble server details have changed, Sub ran out and didnt autorenew . Sorted thouhg, OP is updated with the new deets

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me and my friend are currently looking for good server to start a camp (after our 2camps on 2servers got wiped and 2nd server is dead 2days now)

Your server look quite nice and familiar. i will just need some info about tent glitches, if i place and save a tent, do i got to wait for server restart and then place stuff in, or is it safe to place stuff before restart and just save tent. Some say that stuff before 1st restart will dissapear. If the stuff is de-spawning for 1st restart, pls let me know the restart timer.

Thanks, hope you can understand my post and reply .)


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I have a few friends that play with me and we are looking for a stable server. I have a fairly large stash I'm willing to share. However, I was jumped by a bandit a few min ago, killed him but now I'm bleeding out in the Cherno Fire Tower.

Anyway we could pull off a rescue mission and in return I'll share my loot?

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btw: i will take any info about tent (de)spawning stuff and despawning/duplicate items at s. restarts

Cbraccia i would help alone but my dmr and almost valuable stuff got deleted :/

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If you can manage to find a blood pack and get into the West Side Cherno Fire Tower Stairwell, I would be more than happy to share any of my loot that you may need.

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i was off anyway, i am also far away (NW-pustoska). you can manage to crawl to hospital for BB, morphine etc. its easier

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My squad (3 people) are currently using your server as our home.

It would be nice to disable nametags and to give some warning before server restart. (we lost a vehicle two times because of this - and I was very surprised to find out that a car can stay for almost six days near the NW airfield untouched).

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Nametags are fine for "regular" at least you can spot your friends, (dis)advantage is when you kill someone, server sends a message xy was killed. so you can clearly see if it was the person you were shooting at. Restart timer will be great, iam worried about stuff in tents hehe

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Yes - I can spot my friends, but my enemies can spot me too. This is immersion breaking and unrealistic - almost like an ESP cheat.

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Hey Sam.

I have spoken to our server host. He said that the tents and vehicles should save automatically. save. I However know this not to be true... as the server just restarted and we lost our motorbike and two bicycles. I wis htehre was a way to have a server message come up when the server has reset but that requires scripts and a dedicated server. Unfortunately this server is only a gameserver hosted by Vilayer. and a dedicated server would cost me 3 times as much per month so its not somthing thats going to be happening.

We are currently playing around with what will be the best automatic restart times... Ill keep this thread updated with restart times.once we have finalised what times we want to keep them at... Any suggestions are welcome.

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Sounds interesting. I think I might join your server, so if you see me (Nitely or Nite0wl) in game don't shoot! I'm friendly!

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Your server was attacked by hackers badly.

He attacked our squad - we shot at him multiple times and he did not die - he managed to kill two of us and stole/destroyed the bus we were driving (I don't know what happened to the bus, because I disconnected soon after I realized that he is unkillable ).

And he also was a very bad shooter (like all cheaters), because he killed one of us by somehow freezing him.

It happened today around Dolina at 17-18 GMT.

Hacker's player name was: sam

I don't think that I will play in your server again - because hacker destroyed our only vehicle.

Edited by serioussam909

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Yup, we got a sudden burst of players and obviously that braught in the hackers.

IM sorry this happend to you... I think that was myself and shawn that were snipping you. We defiantly wasn't hacking you just happend to see zombies in the town as we was heading south from Berizino (i dont know if you got hit by somone before that) But the only person we killed started with a V. We then took the bus and went down south with it to just outside electra... somone then took the bus back up north, but the server has reset since then, so chances are your buss is back wherever you found it.

But aye, i apoligise to anyone who got hit by the hackers today. Please PM me names of players who you supsect of hacking and ill look into it.

Edited by Gibbons

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(Checked map again - it was Polana, not Dolina)

I only suspected that bus was taken by a hacker, because I logged out as soon as I realized he was unkillable.

Started with a V (Viesturs) - yes - he was one of us - looks like you got there as soon as hacker left us. (you probably heard couple of m107 shots as I was trying to kill the hacker)

He said, he was frozen and unable to move and then someone killed him.

So looks like that hacker killed only one of us. (we were 3)

I logged in after a couple of minutes - the bus, hackers and everyone else was gone and both of my friends bodies were untouched.

Viestur's body was not on the ground, but frozen in standing animation - so it was either a server glitch or a hacker somehow did this (and you killed him while he was frozen).

As I said - hacker's name was sam - sniper in a ghillie suit - we clearly saw this, because nametags are enabled.

It kinda sux that you took out my team and stole our vehicle because you were indirectly aided by a hacker.

(We had our bus stolen previously, but I don't mind, because it was without cheating - we took it back later from someone who says that he drove it only for 5 minutes :D)

I did not encounter any more hackers, because I left after that and did not came back.

This really was an unpleasant surprise, because we played in your server for ~2 weeks and never encountered any hackers.

Edited by serioussam909

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Haha that first time was us aswell! Up near Karasnostav. THen one of our team went out in the bus to pick somone up in it (idiot) and you guys got it back. I wasnt there for that occasion but it made me laugh when i heard about it!

Also i am sincerly sorry about the incident with the hackers. As you probably well know, theres alot of servers out there that get hit by them, and they usualy hit high populated servers... Myself and Owen will do everything we can to prevent it from happening.

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yes - that first incident was one of my most intense moments in dayz :D

You managed to kill my friend and wounded me - I had to drive like hell while bleeding.

And how we got back - PROTIP - if you are being chased by two cars while in the bus - trying to escape through the forest is probably a bad idea :D

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I may need a help. i cant get into any server, im getting stuck at "loading"

sixlauncher shows v for me, no clue how to update to manual instal doesnt work too :/

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You need to download the files manualy, Delete EVERYTHING in the @Dayz folder except the addons folder and then put dayz into the addons folder and launch the game using DayZ Commander ( much better than 6 launcher)

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