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What about....?

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Been playing this game for about a month now, just decided to register on forums today. So far here's a few suggestions I've come up with it so feel free to agree/flame/ ect.

1) Better tent system - Make it a possibility to setup tents on rooftops and slanted ground. Not like.. 90 degree slanted ground mind you, but maybe use wood piles as stilts or something to be able to prop the tent up?

2) Fences/Tank traps, ect - Could rocket find a way to make these items (and tents) stop falling through the floor if we try and set them up on a rooftop or second floor? I think it'd be neat to make a small "camp" on top of a hospital or something lol. Yes it's open to snipers blah dee blah but that's the point - RISK.

3) More vehicles - In the month I've been playing, i've only come across two bikes and seen ONE vehicle driving around. For a post apocalyptic world, and with all these destroyed cars around... the running ones are few and far between. Make it a possibility to repair ANY vehicle you find, BUT the ones that are severely damaged take substantially more parts to repair.

4) Some way to give yourself a blood transfusion. If I've learned anything on dayz so far.... you cannot trust ANYONE.

5) More enterable buildings // barricade system - What I mean by this is say.... you find an apartment building. You want to live/camp there. You need to find x amount of w/e parts/wood/ ect to craft a door/barricade so only you can get in (i.e. u have a key) but make the door destructable after x damage, or implement a lock picking system so other players/bandits can eventually get in.

6) Player constructed deer stands? - they would be noticeably different fromt the stands where deer spawn, possibly taller and more noticeable

7) Add a "clothing" store in each town - it's enterable, and all of it's spawns are specific clothing items/ masks/ ect that are unique to each town. Cooler items will be rarer, but say a hoodie with the hood pulled up would be far more common.

8) Booby traps? - (I.E. - Tripwire, mines, ect) if you see them and have a toolbox/hunting knife, odds are you can disarm them. Very hard to find materials to make them, do little damage but are loud so they attract zombies and knock you down for a few seconds if you trigger them.

9) ADD A SHOPPING MALL - every good zombie movie has one! And why not!? I mean... maybe put one in the center of the map...or on GREEN MOUNTAIN? O.o Good loot, would have a little bit of everything, but that's the point. It would be a massive bandit/survivor magnet on top of the NUMEROUS zombies that wander around both inside and out.

10) Grappling hooks? - they spawn in military areas, i'd say a 40 percent chance or so. You can climb to the top of any building with them. Once the rope is setup you climb up/down the rope like ladder and can pull the hook off uptop and put it back in your bags. So essentially , u climb up somewhere, and you can't be followed unless they have a hook as well, or you're dumb enough to leave yours on the side of the building. - Here's the kicker - because it's a ROPE... if a sniper were to say.... shoot the rope while someone was climbing up a building... said person goes splat 5 stories below.

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I agree with everything except number 6 and 10.

6. people could spam them everywhere in the city, blocking places.

10. too many players on roofs, I just dont see it happen and it would be kinda weird.

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Already in (glocery store)

Maybe but bullets can't cut ropes, been tested and can't be done in a realistic way.

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Been playing this game for about a month now, just decided to register on forums today. So far here's a few suggestions I've come up with it so feel free to agree/flame/ ect.

1) Better tent system - Make it a possibility to setup tents on rooftops and slanted ground. Not like.. 90 degree slanted ground mind you, but maybe use wood piles as stilts or something to be able to prop the tent up?

2) Fences/Tank traps, ect - Could rocket find a way to make these items (and tents) stop falling through the floor if we try and set them up on a rooftop or second floor? I think it'd be neat to make a small "camp" on top of a hospital or something lol. Yes it's open to snipers blah dee blah but that's the point - RISK.

3) More vehicles - In the month I've been playing, i've only come across two bikes and seen ONE vehicle driving around. For a post apocalyptic world, and with all these destroyed cars around... the running ones are few and far between. Make it a possibility to repair ANY vehicle you find, BUT the ones that are severely damaged take substantially more parts to repair.

4) Some way to give yourself a blood transfusion. If I've learned anything on dayz so far.... you cannot trust ANYONE.

5) More enterable buildings // barricade system - What I mean by this is say.... you find an apartment building. You want to live/camp there. You need to find x amount of w/e parts/wood/ ect to craft a door/barricade so only you can get in (i.e. u have a key) but make the door destructable after x damage, or implement a lock picking system so other players/bandits can eventually get in.

6) Player constructed deer stands? - they would be noticeably different fromt the stands where deer spawn, possibly taller and more noticeable

7) Add a "clothing" store in each town - it's enterable, and all of it's spawns are specific clothing items/ masks/ ect that are unique to each town. Cooler items will be rarer, but say a hoodie with the hood pulled up would be far more common.

8) Booby traps? - (I.E. - Tripwire, mines, ect) if you see them and have a toolbox/hunting knife, odds are you can disarm them. Very hard to find materials to make them, do little damage but are loud so they attract zombies and knock you down for a few seconds if you trigger them.

9) ADD A SHOPPING MALL - every good zombie movie has one! And why not!? I mean... maybe put one in the center of the map...or on GREEN MOUNTAIN? O.o Good loot, would have a little bit of everything, but that's the point. It would be a massive bandit/survivor magnet on top of the NUMEROUS zombies that wander around both inside and out.

10) Grappling hooks? - they spawn in military areas, i'd say a 40 percent chance or so. You can climb to the top of any building with them. Once the rope is setup you climb up/down the rope like ladder and can pull the hook off uptop and put it back in your bags. So essentially , u climb up somewhere, and you can't be followed unless they have a hook as well, or you're dumb enough to leave yours on the side of the building. - Here's the kicker - because it's a ROPE... if a sniper were to say.... shoot the rope while someone was climbing up a building... said person goes splat 5 stories below.

1. Not only can you set up tents on slanted ground, you can also set them up in trees(don't recommend it, usually tents near trees can't be accessed); all it takes is a little persistence.

3. This would put a much larger strain on servers, as well as remove a lot of the survival aspect.

4. This would make the game far too easy. Just go kill something, cook up all the meat, and then eat it.

5. Log into server, see player in barricaded building, switch server, go into building, switch back, kill player, ???, profit.

8. Already going to be implemented

9. I don't think this would fit the sparce cities, vast wilderness setting of Dayz.

10. Doubt most of this could be done in a realistic fashion.

Side note: 150 posts, w00t

Edited by Badjr

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