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us186 Banned for "scripting"?

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I don't understand why people insist on popping into posts and adding to pointless internet drama, its not hard to keep to yourself besides kyle and alz have their differences its their problem they really shouldn't be arguing over forums anyway but I'm not their parent so what can i do about it. If you don't have a place here don't bother posting. Alz and Kyle i take a mutual stand on your argument its silly none the less. Take it to pm's or a different chat. All your doing is slandering your names in front of the dayz community.

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And hell, if there is a way to check, I don't even think i shot 1 time since i was logged in today. I don't personally see what is stopping you from putting my guid and or player name in there.

The fact that you were banned from US 1340 for running that script there certainly adds some credence to this admin's claim.

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Kyle, Please stfu.

It could be a mistake alz, as script logs are kinda hard to read. If a dev or someone from vilayer reviews the logs and tells map its a false positive I'm sure he will lift the ban. Just because a script has an x= y= z= doesnt mean its a teleport hack, but it sure as hell looks like it. Unfortunately, the way you've been acting the last two or so weeks and havn't been very communicative is why you were let go. You should know how it is, you want to play with people you can 100% fully trust in this game.

and lol @ lithium. gtfo. I guess our camps can only get raided once. This guy/chick is such a drama queen.

Edited by JoKeR92

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Ive already posted it Alz. Although you may have not been banned on that other admins server, the script is still there unaltered. If someone from Vilayer or the DayZ team would like to pull the log directly from the FTP or CTP I will gladly submit for them to do so. The ban stays, and Alz.. I have had this since 8/1 ive been looking it over for 4 days trying to figure out what I was going to do. Its not easy to ban clan members like that, blue and whyte was also apart of that list. Quite honestly im somewhat upset that I had to remove you guys. I had fun playing with whyte and blue.

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