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us186 Banned for "scripting"?

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About 10 minutes ago I was banned from US186 (desolation) clan server. The leader ((DES)Nasir) had kicked me from the desolation clan yesterday. Ok so whatever, but that gives him no right to just ban me from the server for "Scripting". I would love to see one shred of evidence that proves that I was scripting. The clan ban I could handle, but this is stupid. What it looks like to me is that he just doesn't want me to play with the clan in any way.

I got banned for "scripting" as I was driving a white off road truck to Desolation's old clan camp location from a few weeks ago. He could try to say that it looked suspicious that I made a beeline for it, but the thing that he might be forgetting is that I was in the clan, and knew the camps location.

Edited by Alz

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I don't know what any of that shit is. I'm not sure how it works, but what is stopping you from filling my name in the logs in the username part. There is no way I was scripting in anyway.

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And hell, if there is a way to check, I don't even think i shot 1 time since i was logged in today. I don't personally see what is stopping you from putting my guid and or player name in there.

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01.08.2012 12:32:26:Alz (IP) ba160695b357d843550a160f35b192e7

Its right there?

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What's right there? proof that I was scripting?

I love the tears of hackers.......

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About 10 minutes ago I was banned from US186 (desolation) clan server. The leader ((DES)Nasir) had kicked me from the desolation clan yesterday. Ok so whatever, but that gives him no right to just ban me from the server for "Scripting". I would love to see one shred of evidence that proves that I was scripting. The clan ban I could handle, but this is stupid. What it looks like to me is that he just doesn't want me to play with the clan in any way.

I got banned for "scripting" as I was driving a white off road truck to Desolation's old clan camp location from a few weeks ago. He could try to say that it looked suspicious that I made a beeline for it, but the thing that he might be forgetting is that I was in the clan, and knew the camps location.

Alz i thought u were a cool guy, But turns out your a lieing piece of shit hacker, you freaken noob, Did you, whyte, and blue have fun destroying our camps ?

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Alz i thought u were a cool guy, But turns out your a lieing piece of shit hacker, you freaken noob, Did you, whyte, and blue have fun destroying our camps ?

Kyle I thought you were a retard. Turns out I was right. Posting 1 page of logs proves NOTHING. Nothing is stopping map or anyone else from making fake logs, or taking real logs and putting my name and GUID in. You don't know shit, so kindly stay the fuck off of this thread.
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Kyle I thought you were a retard. Turns out I was right. Posting 1 page of logs proves NOTHING. Nothing is stopping map or anyone else from making fake logs, or taking real logs and putting my name and GUID in. You don't know shit, so kindly stay the fuck off of this thread.

because clearly were just lieing about the logs right ? lol wow.

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because clearly were just lieing about the logs right ? lol wow.

Map has made it quite clear that he doesn't like me. He kicked me from the clan prior to posting those logs. What it looks like to me is he's either faking the logs, or it's a true error. The fact that I got removed from the clan just around this time doesn't seem like a coincidence to me. And I love how mature he was about removing me from the clan. Bans me from TS3 when i'm in the afk channel. #1

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I doubt a server with a low instance ID would ban you for BS. You're obviously scripting and you were banned accordingly! I hope they make a ticket for your database wide ban.

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Alz i thought u were a cool guy, But turns out your a lieing piece of shit hacker, you freaken noob, Did you, whyte, and blue have fun destroying our camps ?

Hey i thought it was me that destroyed the camps MAKE YOUR MIND UP

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I doubt a server with a low instance ID would ban you for BS. You're obviously scripting and you were banned accordingly! I hope they make a ticket for your database wide ban.

Nice opinion. Sadly you don't know shit either. So you can fuck off this thread too.

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Nice opinion. Sadly you don't know shit either. So you can fuck off this thread too.

This whole thread is full of people accusing people accusing people accusing people of accusing each other of things nobody can actually prove.

If youre so butthurt about being banned from the server by people you obviously hate, DON'T PLAY ON IT you spiteful little hacker/innocent.

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This whole thread is full of people accusing people accusing people accusing people of accusing each other of things nobody can actually prove.

If youre so butthurt about being banned from the server by people you obviously hate, DON'T PLAY ON IT you spiteful little hacker/innocent.

I don't hate them. I dislike Kyle, not sure about Nasir because I don't fully know if it was a mistake or not. I enjoyed the clan and I was unhappy to be removed from it, but it happens. I still have other friends that I play with on this server. And I do agree that there is no way that it can be proved, which is why I don't see how I could be banned just with a few lines of text. If there was ANYWAY I could prove that i'm not scripting I would do it. Edited by Alz

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I don't hate them. I dislike Kyle, not sure about Nasir because I don't fully know if it was a mistake or not. I enjoyed the clan and I was unhappy to be removed from it, but it happens. I still have other friends that I play with on this server. And I do agree that there is no way that it can be proved, which is why I don't see how I could be banned just with a few lines of text. If there was ANYWAY I could prove that i'm not scripting I would do it.

Alz we can play the blame game all freaken day, on who did what. But what you have been doing the past week has been fishy as hell. Your on our server almost always yet never on teamspeak, and when you found the offroad military UAZ, i asked you what your doing, and where the camp is gonna be. ( were suppose to be in the same clan right ?). when whyte was in our Teamspeak his mic was queued and i heard you say " dont fucking tell them where it is guys" Me and Icey were there.

Oh yea Alz im sure your really upset being removed from the clan... You barely did anything with us and were always hiding shit from us.

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Alz we can play the blame game all freaken day, on who did what. But what you have been doing the past week has been fishy as hell. Your on our server almost always yet never on teamspeak, and when you found the offroad military UAZ, i asked you what your doing, and where the camp is gonna be. ( were suppose to be in the same clan right ?). when whyte was in our Teamspeak his mic was queued and i heard you say " dont fucking tell them where it is guys" Me and Icey were there.

Oh yea Alz im sure your really upset being removed from the clan... You barely did anything with us and were always hiding shit from us.

In that situation, we didn't know who to trust in the clan because of the main camp being raided. The reason we didn't tell you where the camp was going to be was because it was a camp for just Whyte, Blue, and I. The reason I wasn't on Teamspeak often was because I was just kinda fucking around with Whyte and Blue, and I didn't feel like adding internet usage because I was already getting kicked for high ping as it is. Nothing you have said here suggests scripts. I'm very surprised that you're this fucking retarded. And yes we can play the blame game. I didn't script.

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In that situation, we didn't know who to trust in the clan because of the main camp being raided. The reason we didn't tell you where the camp was going to be was because it was a camp for just Whyte, Blue, and I. The reason I wasn't on Teamspeak often was because I was just kinda fucking around with Whyte and Blue, and I didn't feel like adding internet usage because I was already getting kicked for high ping as it is. Nothing you have said here suggests scripts. I'm very surprised that you're this fucking retarded. And yes we can play the blame game. I didn't script.

Why are you calling names ? your just showing your true age.... Back of topic, Map has no reason to lie about it, and nothing to gain from just randomly kicking people for no reason. Whats the benefit ? Think Logicly here man. Its not a conspiracy to get rid of you or anything like that, why would map lie and forge a script. It doesnt make any sense. Map, icey, (im sure Cik) and i never had a problem playing with you, like i said your pretty cool to play with. But as i say again why would we forge logs about you scripting/hacking, as it benefits no one ?

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Alz i thought u were a cool guy, But turns out your a lieing piece of shit hacker, you freaken noob, Did you, whyte, and blue have fun destroying our camps ?

Oh, i'm so sorry for calling names. It seems i'm showing my true age :(. And yes I do see your point as to having no point in grabbing an excuse to kick me. But that begs the question, where did the script logs come from. I KNOW I didn't script. So either i'm getting banned for forged script logs, or because of some error. Either way, it's unacceptable. The thing that annoys me most, is the instant ban from map, without even talking to me. I don't see how he could be so SURE that I was indeed scripting. Edited by Alz

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Oh, i'm so sorry for calling names. It seems i'm showing my true age :(. And yes I do see your point as to having no point in grabbing an excuse to kick me. But that begs the question, where did the script logs come from. I KNOW I didn't script. So either i'm getting banned for forged script logs, or because of some error. Either way, it's unacceptable. The thing that annoys me most, is the instant ban from map, without even talking to me. I don't see how he could be so SURE that I was indeed scripting.

nice edit you did to you post there. Not Quoting what i said to you in the post before, but what i said to you an hour ago. trying to make me look bad hacker ?

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nice edit you did to you post there. Not Quoting what i said to you in the post before, but what i said to you an hour ago. trying to make me look bad hacker ?

What the fuck are you talking about. You said I was "Showing my age" by calling you a name, so I quoted your earliest post.. I see that you're exempt from a post you made an hour ago then. You can go ahead and stop attempting to flame me on this thread, your lack of grammar and retarded behavior is just making you look like more of an idiot. Edited by Alz

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What the fuck are you talking about. You said I was "Showing my age" by calling you a name, so I quoted your earliest post.. I see that you're exempt from a post you made an hour ago then. You can go ahead and stop attempting to flame me on this thread, your lack of grammar and retarded behavior is just making you look like more of an idiot.

Sir im going to have to ask you to calm down, and go sit at the back.

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