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I dont see what the problem is...

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People always saying flying the Heli's is a pain in the ass on videos and such...

They fly just like a real heli would, I used to fly RC Heli's a bunch so picking up and flying the heli in the Armory was a cake walk.

Now if only I could find/fix me a heli in DayZ, I'd be pimpin' that bitch all over the place.

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Hopefully you can get one running at some point!

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lol, the armory is fun as a Mofo, I took the Mi-8 out for a spin around chernarus. did a few low altitude high speed passes of cherno then decided to take the heli under this cross beam pictured here...


Now I really want to get me a heli in dayZ lol

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They are actually really easy to fly after a few practices and crashes :P I wish there was more than just a huey in DayZ but oh well

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Just do the bootcamp heli training in Arma. If you keep your hand off your mouse other than to flip it to hover, you're golden.

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Just do the bootcamp heli training in Arma. If you keep your hand off your mouse other than to flip it to hover, you're golden.

Auto Hover is cheating :P

I need to unlock the huey so I can practice with it in the armory... Been using the Mi-8 and doing simulation raids on cherno, coming in hot, stopping at a roof to to "unload or load up" raiders etc.

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