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Admin Abuse US 888

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Yeah I was watching seem it with my own eyes, admin banning because of being killed and loosing there gear

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I witnessed this as well this shouldn't be tolerated, or be considered acceptable just cause they were unhappy they died. Then blame their death on hacking or scripting or anything other than hey maybe these guys were just able to find good items and win.

server admins should lose their rights and the server should be shut down and no money refunded if they think they can do this.

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Wrong place to post this. It needs to go into Server Reporting. And all the witnesses bumping this thread would do better by having some substantial evidence.

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Was watching the stream and +1 admin abuse on US 888

Edited by Elroolio

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Wrong place to post this. It needs to go into Server Reporting. And all the witnesses bumping this thread would do better by having some substantial evidence.

did you not bother watching the OP's video???

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I was one of the players being banned from this server, the stream highlight that was linked in OP should be evidence enough.

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Hey everyone - I'm the GM of Æos - the guild that runs this server. I haven't been on DayZ in about a month, but one of my members directed me to this thread. I'm going to talk to the admin of the server and find out what happened. Unless there is a legitimate reason (e.g. hacking script found in the logs) - I will immediately revert the bans.

With regards to Alt-F4, I'm pretty disappointed that anyone in my guild would use that to avoid getting killed by another player who deserved the kill/gear. I've made it clear that's not tolerated in our guild, and I will be looking into that on my own.

The current issue though, is the ban for alleged hacking. Thank you to the streamer for playing on our server and getting this video. Sorry for the pain in the ass.

Edit: Please send me a private message with the names of the player(s) who were banned in this instance.

Edited by Pander Beers
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:) my keyboard doesn't let me alt + f4. and i wasn't on that night so i don't know what really happened and what not. The admin is pretty good he doesn't abuse his admin. The server for the past week has had an influx of hackers and exploiters(removing grass and trees). I'm sorry if you got banned for the wrong reason. thank you pander for checking it out. We just really want a server that is fun to play on without hackers and exploiters but when this is figured out i would love for you guys to come back to the server so i can shoot you :D

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