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Instant death upon spawning, all servers

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What happened:

Instantly die when I spawn into any server. My player falls to the ground and the killed message appears in chat, but I have over 11k blood and the 'You are Dead' screen does not appear.

Where you were:

Somewhere along a coastal road

What you were doing:

Began happening immediately after I aborted from a game in which I was a passenger of a jeep whos driver was lagged out/disconnecting

*Current installed version:

If anyone knows a quick fix for me to get back into the game I would appreciate it. :)

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One of the guys I was with was streaming when this happened. You can see the jeep start lagging/disconnecting at 3:47 of the video. I aborted and began having this problem, the streamer did not abort and eventually just popped out of the jeep.


Again it happens at 3:47 of the video

Really having withdrawals, really need to walk the streets of Chernarus.

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When I logged in today just to see if anything had changed, the water indicator was flashing, so I left the player logged in and his health eventually decreased to zero and I got the 'You are Dead' screen. After aborting I spawned back alive and ready to start again!

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