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Inventory ideas from 7.62 hardlife

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Many good ideas could be taken from my #1 inventory system ever created - "7.62 hard life" game to improve realism :

- Combine ammo containers, show how many bullets in clip

- Universal inventory for all types of items (bandage uses pistol clip slot doesn't make any sense)

- Stop moving ammo when weapon was moved

- Stop dropping/destroying items when there is no space

- Use new capacity-extend items: belts, vests

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7.62 have a f*cking good inventory system.

The only problem I can see with their inventory system, is that they have only one slot for left and right hand. And that some very small things occupy a larger space than it should occupy.

In fact I think all tatical or simulation fps should get ideas from this game and put in their own game.

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7.62 had the best inventory system I've so far seen in any game. I just hope it's possible to implement here.

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