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Dayz New Clan creation [Applications closed]

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I'm a fan of dayz and it has been a few days since I'm looking for a clan to join but in a failed attempt.

So I'm proposing to any player who really wants to play the game correctly and who is mature enough on chat and in-game if they want to start with me a new clan. I have no name for the clan yet, the server will be a public server that none of the "future" teammates owns so that there will be no cheating.

To talk : Restricted

For official communication : Closed

To join the steam group you need to give your steam ID

If you want to join and create this new community you can leave a reply on this post with the following info and I will get back to you as soon as possible since I'm in a hurry to play with people :P :


-Experience in the game

-Want to be part of the "admins" ?

-Steam ID

That's it

I hope to see many of you :D

Edited by zizizkill
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I'm interested. I'm pretty much in the same boat. Unfortunately by the time I respond to joining a small group or clan the thread seems to go cold.

Country: UK

Experience in the game: I would say intermediate. I'm not a pro at it, and I still have the odd sharp learning curve, but I can survive. It only gets a bit technical when you add other "Survivors" into the equation.

Want to be part of the "Admins"? Never been an admin, so I wouldn't know. The enjoyment of the game is what I'm after! :lol:

Also on a side note I have my own TS server, that's if you're interested in using it.

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I would like to join

-Country: Canada

-Experience in the game: im pretty new ive been playing for about 2 days now but ive mastered the art of sneaking around zombies ;P

-Want to be part of the "admins" ?: never been one before but i would just like people to play with, nothing more and nothing less

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come check our forums and jump on our teamspeak for a few games both of yas im from the uk and so are many of our guys we have other nationalities aswell see what you think xD www.konvictgaming.co.uk we have cookies :)

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welcome to both of you, I created a discussion with you two, go check your PM's ;D

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Just saw you are located in belgy. :(

Timezones would be way off for play times.

Edited by DefeatedSky

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You guys from the eu. I know it's hard to find players, it's also hard to find a good team. Please add me, I'd like to talk to you.

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Hey Im interested in finding a few people to run w/. Semi-new to this game. I know the basics but most locations on the map are pretty foreign to me. I like playing the game. But w/out a few people or a group to run w/ Im having a tough time having much fun. As soon as I start to get something going for an inventory I get merked by someone or glitch off a roof or something.

Im 26. Usually on during the day/afternoon. Im in USA CST. Im a team player. Im on TS3. No skype tho.

Steam: G4RL1K

Hit me up! :)

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Country: US (East)

Experience: I've been playing for roughly a week. But I know pretty much all the basics, I've been watching streams for weeks.

Admin?: It doesn't really matter to me, if I prove myself to be admin material, then I'd surely take the position.


Steam: iDewder

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Just saw you are located in belgy. :(

Timezones would be way off for play times.

Hi, where are you from ?

If it is from the states we have other US that want to play so you won't be alone :D

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Hey Im interested in finding a few people to run w/. Semi-new to this game. I know the basics but most locations on the map are pretty foreign to me. I like playing the game. But w/out a few people or a group to run w/ Im having a tough time having much fun. As soon as I start to get something going for an inventory I get merked by someone or glitch off a roof or something.

Im 26. Usually on during the day/afternoon. Im in USA CST. Im a team player. Im on TS3. No skype tho.

Steam: G4RL1K

Hit me up! :)

Country: US (East)

Experience: I've been playing for roughly a week. But I know pretty much all the basics, I've been watching streams for weeks.

Admin?: It doesn't really matter to me, if I prove myself to be admin material, then I'd surely take the position.


Steam: iDewder

Hi, the conversation capacity if full for the moment, I'm trying to resolve that ^_^ I'll get back to you with all the necessary info

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updated the original post, you need to give your steam ID so we can add you guys on the clan group :D

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United States

About 2 or 3 weeks, I can survive on my own, but can and love working in groups. Word of warning, I AM pretty laggy at times since the newest patch

Not interested in being an admin, just wanting to have fun!

Steam ID -ZombieWalrus31

If I join, figuring out time zones is very important so we can actually play together

Edited by Zombie Walrus31

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Hey, you told me to check this thread out and I have done so. I would like to give you guys a shot, because I love fresh starts.

-Country US. EST Time Zone

-Experience in the game More than a month

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? I would love to be an admin, and if i have to prove the responsibility, then so be it.

-Steam ID bman5550 I have added you zizi

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Have been playing for 1 day so not a pro in any way. I'm pretty decent at first person shooters though so it's not all completely new for me.

Admin position - if being offered I will surely consider it. But I might not be the best choice as admin right now considering my experience with the game. Also, like everyone else, I'm just looking to have fun

I'm 25. I use Skype, but not on the computer i use for gaming. I'll buy a headset with a mic sometime in the next couple of days

Steam ID: koraycskiller

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Hi, I am looking to join some people to share the fun with. :)

-Country = UK

-Experience in the game = few days but i learn fast (ish lol)

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? = if required but not really my thing tbh

-Steam ID = cuffylad

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Thanks for accepting me!

I'm always here for anybody who wants a person to play with.

Feel free to add me on Skype/Steam! (iDewder)

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-3 days

-Tbh Not really havent got fast enough PC

-Scotty_b123 but if anyone has skype my skype is scott.bevis2

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Country- US

Experience in the game- A little over a month of playing, but I have been through a lot in that time

Want to be part of the "admins" ?- No thanks

Steam ID- gh0stsnyper

Edited by Gh0stsnyper

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-Country : US

-Experience in the game: Intermediate, I know the basics and can survive on my own, but playing in a group seems more fulfilling

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? : No thanks

-Steam ID: metalhead910 (thatsmellysmell)

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Well that's great to see so many people who want to join the clan.

I sent invites to everyone execpt those who I couln't add to the group due to steam search engine problems.

So for those who didn't receive an invitation check you PM :D

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-Country - Canada, PST (-8)

-Experience in the game - about a week old

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? - If offered, yes, other then that i'm okay with just playin the game

-Steam ID - sehweis

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-Country -Germany (UTC +1)

-Experience in the game - 60h +

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? - nope sorry, i m happy without power ;-)

-Steam ID - architrue

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-Country EU

-Experience in the game 2 Months.

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? Nah i'm okay with being a normal player

-Steam ID Punkshit

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-Country -Germany (UTC +1)

-Experience in the game - 60h +

-Want to be part of the "admins" ? - nope sorry, i m happy without power ;-)

-Steam ID - architrue

I can't seem to find you, a profile does appear named -=Tinkerbell=-, unfortunately this is private also :|

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