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PublicEnemy (DayZ)

A one in a million encounter...

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My friend and I were on US 1526 at around 2 AM EST, sitting in a clump of trees west of NWAF and observing two crashed helicopters. We had been sitting there, planning our next move for awhile before I tell my friend to cover me while I move to the closest helicopter to see what I could dig up. With my friend covering me from a distance I looted and we took down plenty of military zombies. Finding nothing of use I return to our little cluster of trees trying to find my friend when things suddenly take an interesting turn.

A voice calls out "I seeeeee youuuuuu".

I spin around, my heart rate jumping up to unsafe levels. Paranoid and desperately trying to avoid the "YOU ARE DEAD" screen, I call out "Uh...I see you too...I think...heh".

The mysterious stranger replies "I'm gonna get youuuuuu".

I knew I was looking in this guys direction, but I couldn't see him. As he is talking I shuffle around to figure out where this man is hiding, all the while talking to him. That's when I notice the grass and weeds are getting flattened, much like a man crawling through the grass. The only difference is being that the guy in the grass was invisible. This mysterious man's tone lessens in the amount of "troll voice" and he starts talking to me normally.

He says "Hey! You're not some 12 year old kid! You're actually acknowledging that I'm here? Most other people either shoot in the direction of my voice or ignore me. You...you're just talking? Lol!"

We talk for a bit and and I ask him questions like who he is and what he's been doing. He says he was teleporting all over the server to people, trolling them with invisibility and direct channel and shooting them for lulz. He wanted me to call him "Death".

He says "You've got a guy watching you, you know that right?"

"Yea, that's my friend...".

"Well since you seem cool and haven't shot me or ignored me, I want to reward you".

This guy proceeds to "reward me" by spawning an SUV, tons of thermal scoped AS50's, coyote packs, NVGs, Rangefinders, etc...

My friend comes over to where we are and we start picking things up. I didn't take the AS50 with thermal scope or the SUV because I didn't want to risk a ban. Now, I have been reading tons of endless posts on these forums about hackers, so I was not a complete noob in this situation. I knew what this guy was doing after I noticed he was invisible. He talked on and on about this bypass he acquired for BattleEye, and that today was going to be his last day before he gets "banned" and has to go and buy a new CD key. He told me that he could see every player on the map (pointed out that there were 4 people at NWAF already), could turn people into animals (I asked if we could gut those animals...he said yes), teleport, insta-kill, spawn anything in Arma 2, make himself invisible and make himself invincible with "God-mode".

So he was a hacker (script kiddy).

He then asks us to be his "shadow warriors" and spawns two ATVs. I said ok and me and my friend hop on an ATV and follow the SUV driven by "Death". We drove only 500 meters towards NWAF before someone from the trees at the southern barracks shoots at us. I believe Death was killed so we panic and drive around the open field with our ATVs before driving back to where we originally met Death. After a short period, Death comes back and tells us the guy who shot him was kicked from the server for having trees and grass disabled. He chuckled and said that a lot of hackers are careless and don't have the right bypass so they get banned instantly.

After that, he spawns another SUV, we all hop in and drive to NWAF where Death says "There's a guy running across the airfield, I want you to take him out".

We oblige and get out and roam through the trees.

I call out "I see him" and wait before he gets close enough before shooting him with my M4A3 (acquired way before I met this guy). He goes down, bleeding and unconscious. I walk up and plant a bullet in his head.

Death says "How did your first murder feel?"

"I felt a rush of adrenaline...it was good".

So he goes ahead and spawns a UH1H right there on the airfield. I've never ridden in a helicopter on DayZ before so this seemed so exciting at the time. My friend and I take both gunner positions and he starts to fly to the coast, where on the way we pick off players, one by one. I land my third murder before everybody on the server is suddenly transported to somewhere in Elektro. With all this hacking going on I sort of figured something like this would happen so I immediately abort.

Upon loading back into the game, I see that everyone has died and I can hear Death talking to a body. I walk up to him and say "What's up man? Did you see what happened?"

He says "Yea, a different hacker ran a script and teleported everyone to the same area and shot them all to death. I snuck up to this guy and shot him in the leg all the while taunting him. He get's all angry and demands my name and stuff. He must have left because I'm here."

So I witnessed a hacker fight.


More tom-foolery for about another hour before Death went to a different server to wreck havoc. I went my separate way. My poor friend was AFK so he was shot and killed when everyone was mass teleported. The server wouldn't let him join anymore, automatically kicking him.

But wow, I had fun...even if it was through non-legitimate means.

Edited by PublicEnemy
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Okay i'm sorry but if someone is hacking and not ruining everyones day by mass teleporting etc I can understand that. People doing the thunderdome hack and the mass teleport hack are so lame

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Better than alot of other hacker threads on here lol. Wish more hackers were like that.

I've encountered a few like that (not to that extent though).

Sounds like it made your time interesting rather than a bother.

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People are giving this guy beans for playing with a hacker? Seriously?

This, he spawned a heli and OP and his friend used it to gun people down and somehow that translate to "a friendly hacker".

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Friendly hackers are few and far in-between.

There are no friendly hackers, there are only hackers and they should all be globally banned as soon as possible.

Hackers, even "friendly" ones ruin this mod.

The OP would have been better off to shoot at him even if he died. At least that action would have had a little integrity.

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You were in a popular place and he was hacking to locations anyway. Doesn't sound so "one in a million".

Sounds like the guy got the idea from


Edit: Also lol at your friend getting kicked for being AFK but hackers coming off completely free. BattlEye is one hell of a justice bringer.

Edited by Cooperal

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Friendly hackers are few and far in-between.

"Friendly" is pretty relative here.. he certainly wasn't friendly to the people he helped these guys kill. There are no friendly hackers. Someone's experience always winds up tarnished. Lame is lame.

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It's abuse, you should know better. Killing people, weapons you would not have found otherwise. Playing alongside the scourge of DayZ?

But It is nice to read an honest new "hacking" post.

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I hate the hackers, finally my bro and me got a couple of cars. guess what?

Group of 3 hackers coming with suv, take us out with a full-auto as50 and take the cars. Sigh.

Don't care I lost the cars but just because hackers took em..

Hope rocket will focus on making it harder to hack soon, so the hacker threat decreases.

Edited by lian442

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