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[TRADE] Searching for SVD camo and few mags with.

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Hi, yep another trade thread !

I'm in seek of a camo svd and few mags with.

What i have to offer:


-M4A1 holo

-M4A3 cco


-ghillie and NVG's

PM me if you have what i need, we will discuss of the place and the server where we will meet on !

PS: Don't be a douche, i want that trade to be "clean".

PS²: Sorry if my english is bad !

Edit: In need of range finder and gps too !

Edited by ZOTK

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@LordRayken , okay what's your offer?

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Trade went really well with Rollie Pollie. No problem at all, nice person!

Edited by ZOTK
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