Ph3noM 4 Posted May 25, 2012 It was the early morning may the 24th I was on my way to the north east airfield to find some goodies, as I had just respawned and did not have any military loot except the in my opinion useless pdw found at berezino military tents. It was dawn the sun was just rising in the east, I used this as my compass to guide myself to the airfield.As I was closing in on the airfield I start looking around, using my binoculars to scout the treelines up on the eastern hill looking down on the airstrip. I spend a good 5 minutes there, just waiting for something to move, but to my relief nothing moved, it was quiet, not a sound. As i started moving slowly in a crouch position towards the airfield I noticed there were no zombies yet, but as I came closer to the control tower I saw them appearing, I figured it was because of me. Because I was getting close. There were a couple of zeds just outside of the door to the tower, I started crawling and as quick as possible got inside, first floor, I found an remington with two slug magazines, not what I wanted. I checked the entire control tower but I found nothing else but empty tin cans. This made me just a tidy bit angry, as I've been traveling for about an hour to find tin cans.I decide to go check out the hangars, as I sneak over there crawling ever slow as a snail, to my surprise there is an AKS-74 with kobra sight. and two magazines, great weapon, good stability dependable up to about 300-400 meters if used properly, I hastily make my way to the second hangar only to find another magazine to my gun, now having 3 magazines to my main gun I'm quite pleased. I started moving towards the control tower again only to cut of to the south-west towards krasnostav. As I am crawling in the long grass beside the hangar closest to the tower, I hear a bullet hit the ground, I heard no gunshot so I assumed there was a sniper, my heart started racing I could hear my pulse going up, I stood up ready to run when a bullet went right through my legs, I fell down in agony screaming. My left kneecap was hit, I could hear the bullets hitting the ground around me, I assumed he had an DMR automatic sniper rifle as the bullets were just flying in. I was crawling as good as I could trying to get to safety, but just as I reached the corner of the hangar a last bullet came flying and hit me straight in my chest. The light faded and I was put to sleep.I was quite mad dying there because I had just gotten some great loot, which is when I saw in chat, "Bandit DOWN!" I looked at his name, I wrote the name down, I believe it was some sort of russian name, so I'll proceed to call him the russian sniper. This is, when I got my idea, I started typing in all chat once I had respawned.Being a great fan of taken, I startedI don't know who you are, I don't know what you want, if you are looking for loot, I can tell you I have none. Although what I do have, is a particular set of skills, determination and patience. These are all things I've acquired over a very long arma II career. These skills, my mindset makes me a nightmare for people like you. I will pursue you, I will find you, and I will put a bullet through your head.The Russian sniper responded only by laughing in chat, which made me even more determined.I woke up at krutoy cap, being not too far from Solnechny I started making my way up north east, keeping the coast at my right side I easily found my way to berezino in a matter of 40 minutes. Berezino military tents was empty, no zeds spawned in, as I got closer I saw them appearing, I started crawling, sneaking my way in to each tent. My heart was beating faster and faster, hearing the zombies outside, I started looting and I found a silenced MP5-SD with two magazines, I continued to loot the other tents but only found rounds for weapons I did not have, no pistol, I still had my makarov. Neither had I any map, compass or watch, I did not have time to find these things. I hastily started to make my way up north, towards the airfield. I kept a course to the east so I would come up to the east of the airfield, on the hills overlooking it. As I got closer I could see the radio tower which means I was close.I started crouching moving slowly, as I started going up the hill that overlooks the airfield I could hear gunshots, loud noises, sounded like a sniper. From the sound of it, an DMR automated sniper. I started moving faster, moving whilst I could hear gunshots moving slower when gunshots were not heard. As I got out to the treeline, I heard another gunshot, it was straight north of me, I went down in a prone position started moving slowly towards the sound of the gun. As I reached the treeline with fences I saw a person, proned inbetween two trees, which is why I could not see him. To my disappointment this was no the russian sniper. I then heard another gunshot, not from the person right in front of me, but right behind me to the west, I thought he was firing at me, I took my self to a crouching position and started running towards it, my heart was beating faster and faster, I could feel the adrenaline. I was up at the trees where I heard the gunshot from, it was silent now, and I started crawling, looking beneath every tree, which is when I saw him, the Russian sniper, just laying there under a tree, and between some bushes, he was looking out over the airfield. I silently walked up behind him.Which is when I proceeded to tell him, "I told you that I would find you" I then pulled the trigger of my silenced MP5 spraying his entire back with bullets, blood was just shooting out of his body towards me, I could barely see anything for my shades being covered in blood. I heard something moving, I realized this was the other sniper, I had shot all the bullets in my first mp5 magazine and I didn't have time to reload, I quickly pulled out my makarov, stood up and walked around the tree on the edge, saw the sniper aiming straight at me, I started firing my makarov in his chest. I heard a loud gunshot, I then felt the worst imaginable pain in my right thigh, I fell over and it felt like a thousand needles going in to my leg at once, but I managed to reload my makarov the sniper looking towards his friend the russian sniper thinking I was dead, I unloaded another magazine right in his chest, he fell over on the ground, I reloaded and crawled towards him, my leg still aching with pain I tried to ignore it, I was just next to him and I put my makarov to his face and pulled the trigger, the bullet when straight through his left eye blood started flowing out, spraying all over me, I leaned over, looking at the sky, it was dusk, soon to be dark I could see stars in the sky, I just laid there, could feel how I was growing weaker, the light started fading, I felt my breathe going slower and slower, I just looked up at the stars and closed my eyes, accepting my fate, because it was done. I was done. I kept my promise. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
liquidje 38 Posted May 25, 2012 Nice read, great story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thrax (DayZ) 0 Posted May 25, 2012 Indeed, that was a very good read. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
amentes 0 Posted May 25, 2012 Serves the guy right. I'd do the same to anyone who goes "Omg, I killed myself a bandit! Yey me!", after shooting me.There's a reason that broken system is getting removed, and that russian guy is it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Broadside (DayZ) 1 Posted May 25, 2012 Fantastic read mate.I think someone else signature on this board has it down perfectly, 'You shoot me because of how I look and you call me a murderer?' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ph3noM 4 Posted May 25, 2012 Thanks for all the nice comments, being my first serious post more or less. Appreciate it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bates 1 Posted May 25, 2012 Best part about this game is the wide variety of stories you get branching from it, funny, insane, or just downright epic. I see yours as the latter. NICE JOB! :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 26, 2012 great post and great read.That guy wasn't very smart for remaining in the AO... especially for that long.Any threat, no matter how distant, is a threat. If you're not cautious, you are a dead Russian sniper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phase (DayZ) 0 Posted May 26, 2012 Thanks for the awesome read man! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrDeucePhD 1 Posted May 26, 2012 Thanks for the story man loved it. Nothing better than getting back the person who guns you down and taunts afterwards. They'll never forget it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
d2therj 5 Posted May 26, 2012 bad player. u didnt even good the loot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ph3noM 4 Posted May 27, 2012 Appreciate all the positive response guy! Hopefully something similar will happen and I'll be able to write something else! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites