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Shot someone with as50. he disconnected and body disappeared. Help

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Hey guys.

So my question is did he die or survive. The body disappeared, but I definately hit him.


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he died, but alt-f4ggoting - hides his body so his loot gets deleted.

Edited by Tatakt

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If you hit him hes dead as50 is one shot kill no matter where you hit so if no murder/bandit kill u missed.

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If someone DC's right when you kill them, it's to ensure you don't get their gear.

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Apperantly if you Alt+F4 quick enough you avoid getting sync'd that you died. I've seen that in action as we shot a few guys in a big firefight right in the head with a heavy rifle (M14) and they just disappeared and no kill was recorded. And then 5 minutes later we saw them again, alive and kicking.

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I killed 2 bandids equipped to the brim sniping cherno form the huge rocky mountain. So satisyfiying !

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How do you know they were well equipped of their bodies were gone and how do you know they were bandits, they could have been doing the same thing you were.

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Why would anyone shoot the coast? They were firing.

Edited by sainjori

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