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Please Consider a normal Arma2 day/night cycle option!

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I ask this because our clan members have voiced problems with the normal cycle system. The nights are literally too dark, and the game is almost unplayable at night for some after a certain amount of time. Being forced to wait in RL until the next day when there's actual light is pretty crap tbh.

Yes, some people like the realistic day/night cycle, but there are even more whom equally want a 3hr day/night cycle system, or something similar. Just saying that it should really be up to the server I think, and not the mod itself :/!

I can't play at night due to having "Night Blindness" in RL, and the game doesn't allow artificial light sourcing so my prescribed glasses don't help :(! I'm forced to wait until tomorrow morning, or play on a french server if I want to play in the day :/! (I live in the US east coast, so lag is a MAJOR issue on servers that have daytime while I'm on).

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of using flares, chemLights, and flashlights. I just wish it wasn't such a long night cycle (ie: RL).

Thank you for reading =]!


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I believe you might get your wish once the mod is out of alpha/beta and your character is tied to a specific server, allowing server admins more server options, such as day/night cycle.

As of right now it's incompatible to have one character transfer across mutliple servers and have servers on various day/ngiht cycles with the cycle reset on each server reboot.

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I believe you might get your wish once the mod is out of alpha/beta and your character is tied to a specific server' date=' allowing server admins more server options, such as day/night cycle.

As of right now it's incompatible to have one character transfer across mutliple servers and have servers on various day/ngiht cycles with the cycle reset on each server reboot.


How come :(?

One of the greatest things about this mod is the global character saves. No one will play on a server that doesn't save their character to a global server. So it seems the solution would be to NOT tie the characters to a specific day/night cycle. =|

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