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FPS problem

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I have been having fps problems. My setting I have changed from this video I saw and I still seem to have problems. They are fine once I get into the woods and my frame rate is at like 35 or so. Then when I hit the city I go as low as 9.....Very frustrating and wondering if anyone has any ideas since I am a noob with all of this...

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Post your Hardware; Graphics card model/CPU type/ Ram amount and type etc.

Not saying this will help but it couldn't hurt :)

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I read a few and changed some things around. I also noticed when I went to my Nvidia card it shows the list of games and if it can handle it or not. Arma 2 listed as fair so my video card could use some improvements. Want to buy a new one. GeForce 9800gt. Don't have my CPU specs because I'm not home. Will post them when I can

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This is what I am running

HP model: m8530f

Processor: AMD phenom 9550 quad core 2.20 Ghz

Ram: 5gb

System type: 64-bit operating system

Video card: GeForce 9800 gt. (this video card was bought later than my CPU purchase in order to run COD blackops when it came out)

I know a better video card would help in the fact of looking better but I would rather have a better frame rate and smoother play.

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I get a straight up 60fps on Arma 2 with everything on very high with a gtx 690 but Dayz i have crank it down to get that. Crazy.

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Nothing is worse than having it be choppy when you are worried about firing back at bandits and being on target before getting killed.

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DayZ is horribly optimized so you need a good setup and config to get ok-ish framerates. My OCd 460GTX is about twice as good compared to your 9800GT and im getting 30-40 fps in elektro and cherno, 60+ in the woods. The 9800GT is overall a pretty old card and you should upgrade if you want to play DayZ properly.

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Yes, andu12 is right, you should really upgrade the 9800GT. Your CPU and ram seem okay enough to play it. Put all of the settings on low quality/disabled and turn off v-sync (won't make a difference in this situation but you can always try =)). Also, match the 3D resolution with your screen resolution. Might make it worse though, play around with these settings but in overall you should get yourself a new graphics card ^^..

edit: Try different servers. I usually have around 60-70fps on my laptop but on some servers my fps drops like crazy. I guess those servers don't restart frequently enough or something like that ^^. You could try the server I'm hosting to make sure that isn't the issue here. It get's restarted often enough I'm sure enough!

Good luck!

Edited by Sapulidi

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Thanks andu12. I had a feeling it was the vid card. Only one time I hit 60, well 62 to be exact in a server. Plus it was at night with low players.

I have those in-game settings set like you said and I haven't had a really bad problem but it stayed around 20-30.

My birthday is next week so I'll save up for something good. I think my power supply currently is 450 Watts. Had that put in along with the 9800gt. I want something good but a decent price and if avoidable I don't want to have to get another power supply. Any suggestions? And something that will last for a while? I know computer stuff gets out dated fast.

Thanks for the tips sapulidi

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why people never mention their monitor?... i mean... your GPU could be just fine for DayZ to run if you don't have an 1920*1080 resolution.

seeing ppl give advice "yeah upgrade it, its old!" seem to forget no matter what GPU and CPU he has if he plays on for example 1024*768.

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You might be right about that MostlyPanda, but it's a fact that the 9800GT is an old card. It's not high-end either. His pc is mostly limited by his graphics card at this point and it would be a nice upgrade. I wouldn't recommend a high-end card though since that would be a waste of your money (considering you're cpu isn't one of the latest either).

It kinda depends on your budget. I don't know much about Nvidia graphics cards because I prefer AMD/ATI cards (for unknown reasons =P). By the looks of it the Nvidia GTX5xx range seems reasonable. But other folks with more knowledge about these cards might be able to give you a better suggestion.

EDIT: What brand and type monitor do you have?

Edited by Sapulidi

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My monitor is 23" and has a max res of 1680x1050


Thats the VGA that i have. yours not that much worse then mine on the same resolution and with similar hardware.

I get around 50-60fps in small/medium towns and 20-30 in big cities like Cherno/Elektro on High/Very High settings.

I suggest you visit this topic in the forums: http://dayzmod.com/f...phics-properly/

and tune your settings (that topic really helped me, i was suffering from FPS too at first).

Your PC should be viable to run the game on a pretty good graphics (obviously not maxed out).

You might be right about that MostlyPanda, but it's a fact that the 9800GT is an old card. It's not high-end either. His pc is mostly limited by his graphics card at this point and it would be a nice upgrade. I wouldn't recommend a high-end card though since that would be a waste of your money (considering you're cpu isn't one of the latest either).

It kinda depends on your budget. I don't know much about Nvidia graphics cards because I prefer AMD/ATI cards (for unknown reasons =P). By the looks of it the Nvidia GTX5xx range seems reasonable. But other folks with more knowledge about these cards might be able to give you a better suggestion.

EDIT: What brand and type monitor do you have?

9800 GT is a good card, even if it's old. It fits perfectly with an 1680*1050 resolution. Sure there could be better VGAs for that resolution.

But... and thats a BIG BUT.

It doesnt worth to upgrade his VGA unless he gets a new monitor andnew rig so he wont get capped.

With a slightly better VGA he wouldnt reach that big of an FPS increase. waste of money.

Edited by MostlyPanda

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Thats the VGA that i have. yours not that much worse then mine on the same resolution and with similar hardware.

I get around 50-60fps in small/medium towns and 20-30 in big cities like Cherno/Elektro on High/Very High settings.

I suggest you visit this topic in the forums: http://dayzmod.com/f...phics-properly/

and tune your settings (that topic really helped me, i was suffering from FPS too at first).

Your PC should be viable to run the game on a pretty good graphics (obviously not maxed out).

9800 GT is a good card, even if it's old. It fits perfectly with an 1680*1050 resolution. Sure there could be better VGAs for that resolution.

But... and thats a BIG BUT.

It doesnt worth to upgrade his VGA unless he gets a new monitor andnew rig so he wont get capped.

With a slightly better VGA he wouldnt reach that big of an FPS increase. waste of money.

The card should be 'enough' to play the game. Again, you're right about that. I do think our perspective on this one is a bit different though.

The more FPS MR. Awol is going to get out of it, the crappier the game is going to look I guess. It kinda depends on what you want.

Smooth gameplay at first ofcourse and this card should be capable of doing that at 1680×1050. So yes, Mr. Awol, MostlyPanda is right on this one once again. You don't really have to upgrade and might be able to get decent FPS. And if you do, -and are still satisfied the way the game looks- it's prefectly fine keeping everything as is.

MostlyPanda saved you some money there =).

Another edit xD: MostlyPanda's card is way better than the 9800GT though ^^...

Edited by Sapulidi

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i did said mine is better. and i did say i play in high/very high. and i did said that he can't run it on that settings :P

still. visit the topic which i linked on my previous post. it will help.

Edited by MostlyPanda
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Guys stop advising to change hardware. Every moron knows it helps.

First tweak two config files as shown here

(first part of the video is the most important, changes in the second part of the video can be used additionally).

Then when in game change Anti-aliasing to Low or Off and disable VSYNC and Post Processing. Those have big impact on FPS.

After that you should be set.

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