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Lingor Island to be the next official map release? Clearly the people want it!

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Lingor Island is actually a pile of crap. It's one big PvP island with horribly placed buildings, badly designed towns, and a generally stupid map.

I spent a few hours playing it one night, found an M107 within an hour, and was fully geared within 2 hours.

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Lingor is a great map, and a lot of fun. We've been running a private hive with it + Lingor Units (seperate mod) for about a month now. The map is a lot better overall (though more forrestry might be nice). The cities are more varied and the terrain is great - very hilly and mountainous. More buggy? I couldn't tell you about that I haven't experienced ANY unique to lingor.

Work-wise there is literally nothing for the dev's to do. Just create a new hive and its ready to go. Merging the hive to work a single character off of lingor+Chernarus would be problematic since your location is different between the two, though I guess that would be about the only work required if they wanted to merge the two.

I dono, I don't care about official anyway, gave up on hive a long time ago - but yall are mising out and they might as well make it an official hive map since it'll cost them close to zero effort.

Chenarus is still the best overall theme I think (woodland) but the map needs work, and hive vehicle scarcity sucks.

Edited by Entaro

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I have tried Lingor but it just isn't immersive as i find Chernarus.

Takistan feels way too exposed and is almost too big.

Utes Island is too small and pretty much a COD style deathmatch map.

Chernarus is the ideal map for dayz, it just feels authentic. Maybe adding more islands and other environmental areas such as deserts and swamps will make it seem more vast.

Other than that, just mopping up various glitches, bugs and hacker protection (which will take time obviously). Then we are pretty much there for standalone :thumbsup: :D

Edited by The Veg Man

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I am also looking more foreward to a brand new map, for instance, when the dev team finished and ported it to the arma3 engine, they should try to build another map like chernarus, may with some more intresting places like mountains swamps and stuff like that, but basically in a climatic zone which looks familiar to most players.

Its not going to be on the ARMA 3 engine.

Its based around a version of ARMA 2 thats having parts of the netcode etc rewritten from the ground up.

Edited by Never

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