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not getting unconscious altough i had shock

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so here is what happend:

First time, i almost died because of a bug.

At a deer stand around stary sobor, i suddenly became unconscious, had broken legs and was bleeding, and of course was shocked, so i logged out to prevent dying from bleeding out by this bug because i asked a friend if he can help me as i thought i would be unconscious next login(was definitly no player who shot me, so i dindnt escape any other player ;) ).

The next time i joined the game i wasnt unconscious although i was shocked when i logged out.

Same thing happend today, this time i only got the shock symbol somehow while i was hiding in the tree's to log out, next login, i wasnt unconscious.

My question is, is this a bug, or do i only become unconscious if i get shocked (by another players shooting for example) by another player?

Edited by scofieldr

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1. rollbacks are weird and the variables that change can be almost anything.

2. Stary sobor. had to log out because of "glitch" sorry bro, I aint buying it.

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wtf who cares whether u are buying it or not.

i didnt take any damage! i fell unconscious with broken legs and bleeding with 12000 blood.

which weapon is supposed to do that?

go flame someone else kiddo

so i guess u don't have an answer to my question otherwise u would know i didnt get attacked by another player, right?

why do i always have to explain every detail just that some kids believe me that i didnt alt-f4 the fuckign game

Edited by scofieldr

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