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Server Recruiting (Rolling Dice)

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Hey Guys,

Our gaming community Rolling Dice is recruiting mature, friendly members to join us on our server and voice comms. Currently theres just two main guys and a couple of people who pop on every now and again.

I look forward to seeing/ hearing some of you in the near future.

Website: www.rollingdice.co.uk

Mumble Server: *

DayZ Server: DayZ - UK204 ( Or just filter names for Rolling Dice)

Mumble is a 3rd Party voice communication software. Similar to ventrillo or TS3. However its very cut back, has a brilliant overlay which can be customised and moved anywhere and fantastic sound quality.

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Mumble is the best, may check this server out when i'm on.

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Your server has gone down, any chance of putting it back up and running? thanks

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