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BattlEye client not responding

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Hello iv been having a problem with my BattlEye client recentley i downloaded the game and managed to get a days play out of it the last thing that happened to me was i got killed and then for some reason spawned near where i died with all my gear still on a server i wasnt meant to (i dont know if that has anything to do with it), the day after when i returned to the game i could not join any games (it kept freezing on the loading screen when i was spawning) when i remained in the lobby i saw that it was kicking me due to BattlEye i have been to the website and downloaded the two files and replaced the ones already in my folders and i have downloaded the latest beta patch and i have completely restored my computer to factory settings and reinstalled everything and still no luck.

i have been researching the problem and i cant find anywhere with a fix that will work

will someone please help it will be greatly appreciated

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ok, considering no one is willing to help i recentley found that the problem lies with my sky firmware (other sky customers will be having the same problem).

i found a topic on the sky forums that might help some people ->http://helpforum.sky...ues/td-p/529736

and i also made one of my own (feel free to comment) -> http://helpforum.sky...ayZ/td-p/536532

sky have commented and said that connecting wirelessly will resolve the issue temporarily until they fix the issue.

Edited by JIMMYxUK

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