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Seattle 61 Whole server was killed because some hacker died and had a hisse fit!

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My whole squad lost their guilles, NVG's and rangefinders along with some of the best weapons in the game. Why does this happen is there not a way to block hacks, I met some hackers one day, they had a AS50TWS i said "Dont you get banned for this?" they replied. We have been hacking for months and nothing has ever happend to us. Then they spawned everyone in the thunderdome.

I dont care about the alt f4 or the duplication glitches or the door eating you, hacking is the major problem here and needs to be fixed.


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Wait, there's hackers in this game? And it needs to be fixed? Wow, we should make like 500 threads about this and spam the fucking forums day and night. Then I bet rocket will get off his lazy nonworking ass!

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