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esham (DayZ)

[Trade] Antibiotics for a Alice Pack

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Been everywhere looking for a Alice Pack. Hit the major towns with no luck. I'm looking to trade one Antibiotic for Alice Pack (or NVG's).

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Awww had antibiotics but died with it :(. Wanted those nvg's :3

EDIT: Woops misred the post lol

Edited by diod1997

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Keep looking. ALICE backpacks are easy to find. Antibiotics are on the other hand still rare from what I have understood, so I'd hold onto them if I were you. Someone who needs antibiotics badly would probably be willing to offer some high-end item for it.

Edited by Herr Robert

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you still can get sick? but there is no tempeture

Yes theres still temperature. Its not displayed on the debug thing anymore but you can still see the little gauge thing

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NVGs for an Alice pack?? Ehh, why don't you just keep trying Elektro supermarket? There were 6 Alice packs in there when we were there yesterday, there's almost a guarantee of an Alice pack being there, I'd say.

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zeleno + putoshka + vybor supermarkets. If you don't find any alice pack there, then you must be haunted. Have you wandered in Green Mountain at night or drank a Mountain Dew?

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Some of you misunderstood my trade. I was willing to trade MY antibiotics for YOUR Alice Pack. I understand the rarity. I have 2 Antibiotics. It's more than a fair trade. I'll just keep searching. I have never had such a hard time finding a pack. Not a big deal, I'll find one.

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