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Cheater/Hacker on US 636

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There was a fair amount of cheating/hacking on the US 636 tonight. The player I can absolutely confirm as a cheater is named Vladimir Nikolai. At one point I was in Cherno and was killed by him with a silenced rifle(no big deal right, shit happens). Then I spawned in Kamenka and started to head east and not even two full minutes later he came running up on me again. This time he did not kill me immediately but dropped a box at my feet and told me to look in it. There was basically 50 of everything in the game, seconds later he then of course shot me.

After that I spawned in Electro and went into a firestation and I hear a dirtbike on the road and he pulls in and gets off and comes running up the stairs, gives me a silenced pistol and tells me to go to the market across the street for gear and he's gonna go kill the other player. He takes off on the bike and after he disappears suddenly a helicopter appears and takes off.

His name in game was Vladimir Nikolai, and after witnessing the evidence above methinks he's definitely a hacker.

Thanks for any help, jerks like this are ruining the game.

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Sorry I forgot to also include the time that this all occurred around. It was all around 3am mountain time, about 45 minutes before I made the post. Though he was still on when I logged off to make this post as well so more incidents could've occurred well after I logged off too.

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another hacker by the name of matt was flying over top of cherno, being shot at by all directions didnt die ( 5 min of shooting ). then he teleports everyone to the top of a building and shoots them one by one, then he made ppl start walking into the ocean (manipulating their control).


Later that day, he spawns every vehicle on the map in a line in cherno. this took all our vehicles with loot to cherno. then when we finally got to the vehicles when all was quiet he hunted us down one by one in the cars. i got from cherno to zelengorsk till we got shot driving. also another group we were with 3 other vehicles were also taken down in same fashion. Later that night we finally got server reset and found 3 of the cars we had from before... ( hard to believe i know right? ) save it at our camp, and go to bed.

Today when we woke up the cars were all gone. im pissed off at the edge here. i look around for 30 min and found them! YAY!!! they were only 1k away in a field. guess what i stood around there and got in position for friends to come. then as im scanning the forest, nothing can shoot me at this point with the l85 i see a shot miss me by a yard silenced as hell. ALT f4ed to a better position on a diff server (hate me all you want, fix the fucking hackers then i wont alt f4). I spawn in a tree about 1 click ahead of the position i was shot at and CANNOT be shot at again. im prone and dont move a hair, all i hear is another shot, but this was after i noticed something where i was proning before on the hill, there was a helicopter sticking out of it. so at this point i know its a hacker and a shitty shot at that. he misses me each time and i alt f4 before he can get me .

http://i.imgur.com/A1rO7h.jpg - heli that was in my old position


Edited by alkinda

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