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My old group I got tired of loves to camp Cherno and kill EVERYONE. If you see people with the name of; Talon (Leader), Frostycrotch, Ataken, XxHodges, or Cassius you should kill on sight. I left the group, because Frosty wouldn't give me a bandage or blood trans when I had 5k blood. He told me to go be bait for a sniper and he would shoot me if I took a bandage from his bag (I played with them for a month atleast) I said fuck it and shot them all down right there on the spot, hid their bodies, and walked away. Their group fell apart quickly, but still is actually alive. If you manage to kill them or you see them, go to the forest north of Cherno and look around the power plant and such and you will probably find their car. Good luck hunting em!

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