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I was under the sense of guilt for more than 5 hours...

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To the person nicknamed GreyFlame...

I am really sorry for your death...

I did not mean to kill you

i was looting in the barracks in northwest airfield and there you were... standing up around the chemlight

I was overwhelmed with fear and accidently poured 2 mags of M16 at ur body...

I am really sorry man...

When i ran away right after i shot you, i was under heavy sense of guilt...

P.S: Thank you for the GPS

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  On 8/4/2012 at 8:31 AM, DngBry said:

I was overwhelmed with fear and accidently poured 2 mags of M16 at ur body...

You needed two mags?

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It's his sense of rationale that gives the perceived sense of guilt. So yes, there's a sense of guilt.

As for killing another player with remorse, at least you're not a cold hearted killer, eh?

And as for two mags. I unloaded until I was empty on mags on a Bandit in pure fear.

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  On 8/4/2012 at 8:37 AM, MoronToTheKore said:

If we ever travel together, your safety gets superglued on.

It might be because it is almost 5am but... lol

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