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Newb Training Server/Mission

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Okay so i am not a newb to this game (A few weeks under my belt) I don't know everything, but I consider myself capable of survival. I do think that like anyone I need practice. I do really well at this game, until I bring in a friend who does not know it. and then during their learning period, I die like 10 times a day or more trying to protect them from their own stupidity.

Basically what I want to know is, is it possible to somehow make a mission, like the shooting range http://www.armaholic...ge.php?id=14617 and basically set up an obstacle course, targets and whatnot, bodies with loot on them, loot on the ground, that kind of stuff. where the character spawns with a bunch of stuff, goes through the course, hopping over fences, shooting targets, avoiding zombie spawns within the course, shooting animal spawns within the course and cooking/eating the food picking up drinking and refilling the water bottle. switching primary's out of the backpack

I think you get the picture, an obstacle course that could teach newbs how to play, and that can be repeated over and over for better times and better hands on knowledge of the games mechanics and quirks. A couple of my friends are interested in this, and something like this could easily be implemented with the dayz single player stuff out there, but the main feature I desire is being able to be in the same world with them, and give them instructions right there, physically show them something when I need to.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to make this happen? or if it already exists?

Thanks in advance.

Edited by redrath2

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Excellent idea, this would bring people I bring into the game from being totaly ignorant of the game to atleast capable of playing the basic game :)

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You can actually do most of the things you do in DayZ in the normal Arma2 Armory. I'd suggest messing around on that before trying DayZ anyway, just to get a feel for the game.

Not a bad suggestion for future implementation, though it would have to be an offline map.

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You can actually do most of the things you do in DayZ in the normal Arma2 Armory. I'd suggest messing around on that before trying DayZ anyway, just to get a feel for the game.

Oh, and I STRONGLY suggest that new players hit the Armory and test the basic chopper you have without unlocking anything else. Not so you can learn to fly a chopper, but it's a FANTASTIC way to scout, orientate and familiarise yourself with the Chernarus map :P

Who knows, though, once the stand-alone product is released they may well put some sort of tutorial in. I, for one, learned by feeding myself to many a zombie or bandit for the first couple of days.

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