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DayZ Tutorial: How to get geared up quickly

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Thanks for the thread. I love to camp the apartments in Cherno. No no no. I dont camp like a pussy with barret from the northern hill. I camp with AKM hiding behind the corner. Ah... That was such a pleasure to waste a group of three with AKM on full auto while they were going downstairs in one of the buildings.

Thanks again. I hope more people will come to loot the block after watching your video.


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But once you have them it makes getting around 10x easier especially for a new player who will get easily frustrated with this. I've been there haha

If you are a player who is easily frustrated then this is probably not a game for you. Better they find out sooner than later

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No thats not the point. This game is crazy work followed by moments of incredible adrenalin. Nobody likes the work so when someone new comes to the game and all they see is work and they don't see the fun they're going to quit. I play for those moments of crazy adrenalin rush's which no new player will ever see if they can't find simple stuff.

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Nobody likes the work

That is really really really not true, you probably don't like the work. The work is what defines the game, spending hours looking for a decent setup, being careful not to give your position away, taking risks when you feel there may be a decent reward. The adrenaline will pump, the heart will race, but you have to put in the time like everyone else. Eventually there will be no way around it, you might aswell get used to it buddy.

Server hopping, spawn hopping, all take away from the game. I don't condone them, and I'm disappointed someone who seems so eager to help new players thinks that these are legitimate ways to play. Lets make a new topic showing new players how to use scripts ingame too :P

Just to sum up by the way, your video was good, I appreciate the time you took to make it, and hope that more people play the game as a result. I just think some of your methods are a bit misguided.

Edited by ACOGshot

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I understand what your saying. I've had 4 real life friends buy the game and quit it within 1 hour though. I don't play the way that I said above. I just say if your new to the game to do that to help move things along a bit faster and when you understand the concept of the game to stop.

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Please don't bump: If the video is good, people will keep word of mouth :D. Believe me.

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Telling noobs to serverhop and suicide if bad spawn is a bad advice. The thing that makes this game so great is the atmosphere and the thrill of finding good stuff and encountering other players. All this gets broken if you use those cheap exploits. How can you appreciate a weapon you did not have to risk your life to get? How can you want to miss the rush of adrenaline while lying in a bush and having 3 fully geared guys walking past 5 meters from you while you have nothing to defend yourself. Stumbling through the wilderness, finding your way only by orienting on the moon and the mountains around you... If you just want to have good gear and shoot other players, why not play ARMA2?

If you want to give noobs good advice, tell them to get a map with all the itemspawns off the internet, and how to deal with zombies without the use of weapons. With that help, you can find good gear pretty well, and if you avoid other player you should have not much trouble surviving till you have top gear.

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Allready explained the server hopping and suicide thing a thousand times now for the zombie guide that is a good idea I will make a video on that soon thanks.

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Nah I'll bump because it's falling back and many people keep saying it's helping a lot lol

Quit bumping, it's annoying and usually not well seen on forums ...

If someone likes the video, he will comment and bump it back to the top for you.

Post and leave it, if someone askes a question, then you can answer, but omg stop bumping.

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