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Found a M240 tonight (My buddy did), 1500m from a sick storage we passed, containing 10 boxes of ammo I believe. I can not get into details on locations but I shit you not, ammo to last for days!

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Are there IED's in the Dayz? It would be cool to place an IED, and throw a smoke grenade or whisky bottle to attract zombies, and then BOOM! :D

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Well a nice little " trap " bomb could be cool, you know, an artisanal claymore.

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potential griefing: >9k

no mines please :3

unless they are VERY conspicuous.

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Found a M240 tonight (My buddy did)' date=' 1500m from a sick storage we passed, containing 10 boxes of ammo I believe. I can not get into details on locations but I shit you not, ammo to last for days!


Jep and he still alive!!! :D

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Having used those weapons in ArmA1/2 for a long time, some of those values in the list seem a bit odd to me.

Especially the m16a2 m203 "accuracy: very low" What ? This is normally just as accurate as the m16a2 without m203.

Talking about a lack of range with the AKM seems a bit weird to me. It may not have a scope, but that means nothing. As far as the Ak74 is concerned, its main advantage over the AKM and AK47 is the lower recoil at the cost of less damage.

The crossbow isn't inaccurate... its just hard to use.

Oh and to all those who just bought arma for this mod... theres that feature called "Armory" that you can find under singleplayer. Go there, pick the weapon you'd like to practice with and fire away. I also includes random challenges and what not. Useful for example if you want to get a hang on how the crossbow handles at range.

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Having used those weapons in ArmA1/2 for a long time' date=' some of those values in the list seem a bit odd to me.

Especially the m16a2 m203 "accuracy: very low" What ? This is normally just as accurate as the m16a2 without m203.

Talking about a lack of range with the AKM seems a bit weird to me. It may not have a scope, but that means nothing. As far as the Ak74 is concerned, its main advantage over the AKM and AK47 is the lower recoil at the cost of less damage.


The AKM has a medium range because it is an assault rifle and the round drops off more quickly than say an M14 or SVD's round might.

I marked the M16A2 M203's accuracy as very low because the sights are impossible to use.

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The Crossbow is a one shot kill to a zombie anywhere on the body. To say the crossbow is useless is a retarded monkey's statement. How many times have you pulled a zombie in a city or town? With one shot there done for, and you move on.

Against zombies, it's a great silent weapon.

Though I do agree the ammo should be stackable or come in stacks.

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