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Everyone on server dies?

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Was playing on 1383, finally thought I was getting the hang of things, and then EVERYONE on the server dies. I just see myself in mid air and bam dead. wtf?

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A hacker must of mass spawned, this has happened to me. Nothing you can do about it ( Unless you are on a bike, Somehow this saved one of my friends XD )

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So what a second? So you are saying after playing for days, putting up with an amazing amount of bugs and annoyance (but still trying to enjoy it) a hacker can just jump onto any server and mass kill everyone?

Fuck everything about this game. Seriously fuck it.

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So what a second? So you are saying after playing for days, putting up with an amazing amount of bugs and annoyance (but still trying to enjoy it) a hacker can just jump onto any server and mass kill everyone?

Fuck everything about this game. Seriously fuck it.

You want to just the game?

that's nasty... -__-

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It is quite uncommon accutally. That has only happened to me once out of about 60+ different server i've played on. Try the game out

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It is quite uncommon accutally. That has only happened to me once out of about 60+ different server i've played on. Try the game out

I am sorry but after a week this is the last straw. I can deal with having to reload a freakin hatchet. I can deal with the fact you can DIE OF THIRST IN THE RAIN. But really the ability for someone to kill off an entire sever shows what mickey mouse morons the devs of this game actually are. I will wait until a real studio releases a knockoff with some actual polish, I am sure there is one in the pipe somewhere.

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But really the ability for someone to kill off an entire sever shows what mickey mouse morons the devs of this game actually are.

The DayZ devs have no control over this. It's the people over at BattlEye that are responsible for trying to stop hackers.

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I don't care if it is battle eyes or the devs fault, if this is happening the devs know it is happening and if they find it acceptable then I hope they don't expect people to play.

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Devs can only do so much. The issue with hackers is something Battleeye is meant to locate and stop. The Dev's made the gametype, but they can not ammend Battleeye in any way to locate the hack, that is the job of the Battleeye staff.

You can not blame the Dev for hackers, because, news flash, even big name MMOs like WoW have them. If you are raging about it, then I suggest just not playing games.

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Devs can only do so much. The issue with hackers is something Battleeye is meant to locate and stop. The Dev's made the gametype, but they can not ammend Battleeye in any way to locate the hack, that is the job of the Battleeye staff.

You can not blame the Dev for hackers, because, news flash, even big name MMOs like WoW have them. If you are raging about it, then I suggest just not playing games.

That's just the thing, imagine a big MMO where a hacker can log in and wipe out an entire server.....nope I can't either, because as soon as a bug like this became apparent it would be fixed, It is simply ridiculous that something like this could happen. I am done with the game and I will recommend people avoid it. Total bs.

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I am sorry but after a week this is the last straw. I can deal with having to reload a freakin hatchet. I can deal with the fact you can DIE OF THIRST IN THE RAIN. But really the ability for someone to kill off an entire sever shows what mickey mouse morons the devs of this game actually are. I will wait until a real studio releases a knockoff with some actual polish, I am sure there is one in the pipe somewhere.

While I feel your pain and have been the victim of flacid, self-esteem starved script kiddies myself... it actually has NOTHING to do with DayZ itself, rather ArmA II and BattlEye. You should read through this post just to see how ArmA II and BattlEye work. It's not a matter of Rocket and the team finding this type of stuff "acceptable" as much as it is that their hands are tied when it comes to the engine itself.

Bear in mind, and I know no one likes to hear this, this IS an alpha build of a MOD. There are plans to work with these sorts of things, but we're all just "testing" right now, no matter how fun the game can be. Now, if everyone gives up on the testing, the finished product, which was and to my knowledge still is planned to be a stand-alone game, won't be very polished.

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You know it doesn't matter if it's the devs fault or the Arma devs fault or battle eyes fault, a shit game is a shit game. The fact that a hacker can waltz in and wipe out an entire server at will is simply not acceptable, and it doesn't deserve people attention or efforts if they can't deal with this crap.

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Then don't complain about Day Z being crap when the problem lies within the main game itself. Day Z is still in the works, so yes there will be some problems. It happens, we learn to deal with it and move on.

And yes, I've seen big name MMO where a player was mass-wiping all targets. It took the team a week to locate the exploit. Even League of Legends, which is a big name PVP game, has bugs people cna exploit with ease.

It happens. Hackers hack, it' what they do. If there is a way they can exploit a game, they will. But you raging won't stop it, that just emeans that they won.

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You know it doesn't matter if it's the devs fault or the Arma devs fault or battle eyes fault, a shit game is a shit game. The fact that a hacker can waltz in and wipe out an entire server at will is simply not acceptable, and it doesn't deserve people attention or efforts if they can't deal with this crap.

Well, you just wiped out the validity of every Call of Duty Game, all the Battlefield games and just about every other dedicated server FPS multiplayer game out there with that mentality as every one of them, at some point or another, has been hit by mass hacks. Even the "great and mighty" PunkBuster has gotten owned in CS and CS:S time and time again. WoW has had entire accounts and guilds wiped out by "hackers" (a term I am loathe to use as some jacktard who gets a script from a paysite to make himself feel better is hardly a "hacker") as well as mass numbers of bodies falling from the sky with "hacks" to perfectly form the URL for a gold seller site.

I've been in PC gaming going all the way back to my 8088 and I will tell you right now: The moment the internet or mass networking was added was the moment it became a game of patching the holes against script kiddies and exploiters. Even the all powerful Apple and Microsoft deal with it on a daily basis. Welcome to the circle of life in PC Gaming. You're going to deal with this EVERYwhere.

Of course... everyone I listed above actually gets PAID for their product. I didn't "pay" for DayZ.

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Oh yeah a hacker jumps into a Call of Duty game or CS game, omg I just lost the last 20 minutes of gameplay.

You get a WoW account hacked Blizzard will almost always restore it, ESPECIALLY if it is their fault.

Meanwhile I played 3 days of Day Z scraping every second to survive and had it all wiped out because their security is crap?

Sorry not going to happen, I know you will use every excuse in the book. I know the devs of the game can do ZERO wrong in your eyes. Just remember the rest of us don't share you distorted point of view.

Oh and btw I did pay for Day Z, because I sure as heck didn't pay for that crappy ass shooter that is Arma.II.

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...share you distorted point of view.

Oh and btw I did pay for Day Z, because I sure as heck didn't pay for that crappy ass shooter that is Arma.II.

Sorry, but you paid for ArmA II... no matter HOW you justify it. Sure, I don't play ArmA II much either, I got it for DayZ, but I didn't actually pay for DayZ. My point of view is just rational, not distorted. I've had run-ins with script kiddies and I've lost stuff (just yesterday, in fact, with a player who was invisible with a G36 C... a weapon not in the game). I was on my 15th day of survival with great gear, probably the best you can get. I ran all the way back from Kamarovo to the NW Airfield area.

Is my "point of view" distorted? No. I just realise that just like EVERY one of the other 100s of games I gave tested, stuff gets wiped. This, right now, that you are playing, is not the finished nor retail version of the product. Rocket could very well release a patch tomorrow that wipes all of our characters out from the hive. That's the nature of testing.

Rather than sitting here ranting on a forum about a game which you think is terrible and making personal attacks at someone who simply answered your thread... I suggest you NOT test games.

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Personal attacks? Lol if you are so damned thin skinned you consider what I just said a personal attack then you need a fucking reality check.

Edited by alsparagus

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I'm just curious. When you get backstabbed in MW3, do you throw your controller and scream like a child?

Thats the equivilent to what you are doing now.

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So what a second? So you are saying after playing for days, putting up with an amazing amount of bugs and annoyance (but still trying to enjoy it) a hacker can just jump onto any server and mass kill everyone?

Fuck everything about this game. Seriously fuck it.

Alpha stage of development. Hang tight and come back when its more stable, if you have to.

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So what a second? So you are saying after playing for days, putting up with an amazing amount of bugs and annoyance (but still trying to enjoy it) a hacker can just jump onto any server and mass kill everyone?

Fuck everything about this game. Seriously fuck it.

Keep in mind this game is in alpha, and it's still in alpha for a reason. If you want to play a bug free DayZ I suggest waiting for the official release when the game is out of beta.

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I understand that, what happened, pisses you off...

but if not a hacker then another player would have killed you

and you would complain about how shitty ppl are in such a game

and why the devs don´t make a pvp-free server

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I fell off my chair laughing the first time a hacker hit the server I was on... ;)

we were all sent to the roof of a building under construction [about 18 survivors] and after the initial 1 second wonder [WTF!] everyone got out axes and started whacking...amazing fun

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I understand that, what happened, pisses you off...

but if not a hacker then another player would have killed you

and you would complain about how shitty ppl are in such a game

and why the devs don´t make a pvp-free server

There is a huge difference between getting killed by someone legitimately in a game and having a hacker waltz right in and kill everyone on a server. As far as the game being in Alpha that is simply NOT an excuse for this kind of crap, the game is utterly not worth playing if days of gameplay can be wiped out in such a manner.

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A hacker must of mass spawned, this has happened to me. Nothing you can do about it ( Unless you are on a bike, Somehow this saved one of my friends XD )

I've only been playing for about a month and died many times in between. This happened to me today on US 1836. I had a ghillie suit on and was riding an old bike; didn't save me though. Funny thing is someone had spotted me and had begun taking shots at me; then just when I thought I got away, everyone on the server dies. Sucks big time. I lost my first ghillie due to the ghillie suit glitch in one of the previous patches and then I lose this one to some hack. Oh well.. I find it's a lot more fun running around trying to survive off scraps anyways. :lol:

Edited by CY08

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