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LFG Central California casual play

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New player LFG on USA West Coast servers. Not a vet, but familiar enough with controls and tactics to stay alive. Curious about team tactics and expanding gameplay in a group. Generally playing T/Th/S. Have mic!

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Attempt #2:

Day 10. Having heard mention of military weapons far inland, I've been moving steadily north and now find myself outside of a large airfield. A survivor in Pustoshka claims there's another one further east. He began to tell me more but bled out while we tried to find a way into the church (note to self - a lot of the churches inland seem to be locked, the rest are wired - i'll need to pack a toolbox away for future access). I wanted to use my blood pack on him. I did. It's just... you know. I reloaded my hatchet and sent him elsewhere instead before hiding the body. God help him.

The supermarkets, luckily, have not been locked. I've begun making rounds to keep supplies up.

Being solo has made me extremely cautious. The cars honking up and down the roads sounds inviting. So inviting! My scope tells me the bandit gear the drivers wear is less so, however. Best to stay in the grass. I'm learning to limit my pack inventory and be more efficient. Less soda and beans, more refillable watering cans and cooked meat. I never thought I'd have to retrain myself how to live.

But here I am, sitting in front of an airfield, too afraid to go in alone.

Too smart to go in alone.

- Strain_Zero

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My brother and I are from CA and play quite a bit of DayZ since we found it last month, you're welcome to hit us up anytime. We mostly play on US 510 atm (Bay area server.) Steam ID is kcvrbk. =) As far as the lure of the northwest airfeild, you can get in and out of the high loot areas pretty fast, long as you're carefull going in and keep and eye out for zombies (solid sign of other players in the area) you can usually get in and out with some decent loot. Best tip I could offer you is check stuff out fast, and do it quietly without any shots and don't be greedy, when I've died up at the airfeild its cause I've stayed too long, get some loot and get out and you should be good.

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Day 13.

After fleeing south from a band of snipers on the outskirts of Vybor, the going has been rough. HA! Rough, like a zombie plague and resource-mad survivors aren't rough enough. I guess I didn't really think it could get worse than it was.

I still don't see many people outside of the cities. God has abandoned those places, I think. Moreso than the rest of Chernarus. I felt not being a part of a group in a huge way today after a zed went nuts and broke my leg. I've never seen them move that fast. A succession of hits in less than a second; I got lucky with a wild hatchet swing or I think it would have been curtains. Jesus Christ it hurts. I'm pretty sure this village (Pogo, maybe?) doesn't have anything in the way of medical, but I could use some morphine big time. What the fuck am I supposed to do, crawl back to the coast and check into a hospital?

At least the zeds have a harder time spotting me on the ground.

At least that.



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IGN: Famous123

Age: 25






Gear: 1-2 days worth of food,hatchet, hunting knife, matches, military flashlight, map, watch, compass, tent, binoculor, frag gernade and ALICE pack

Main Weapons: AKS-74 Kobra (ammo: 9 clips)

Side Arm: PDW (ammo: various clips [used more then my main])

Medical: Bandage x3 Blood-pack x1 Morphine x2 Painkillers x1


Only had the game 3 days. Likes to play tactical. Slow and steady. Like to scout and recon. Hunting for NVG. Don't like playing at night. Mostly friendly. Follows the rules of engagement. (sometimes). Like to scavenge but also goes guns blazing. Rather run away from zombies then shoot them. Can read map and compass decently. Decently good at path-finding. Team player. Can't drive(never driven in Day Z or flew a helicopter). Have common sense.

Tactical Positions:

Point man, Recon, Assault team. Survivalist

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