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Looking for mature, experienced group, located in Canada. (Toronto, preferably)

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Hey guys, my name is Hamzah. Im a 16 year old, who has been playing this game for about a month now. I am experienced in weaponry and the map. Im located in Canada and i was looking for a dedicated group to play with who are also in the same timezone. I would prefer the group to be AT LEAST 16 years of age, and be mature and serious about the game. I play anytime and most of the day, unless im at work. I ussualy end my shift at work by 1. If ANY group meets my standards, do not hesitate to respond to this post. I will give my skype information and everything else, once required. Thanks.

PS: I recently died ingame due to hackers, and i would like to remind you that i have not started a new character just yet. I can start anytime unless im at work ofcourse, thanks.

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Hey. I live in Nova Scotia. If that's not too far away I'd be more than happy to pair up. I literally just got the game though, so I'm still learning.

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Hey. I live in Nova Scotia. If that's not too far away I'd be more than happy to pair up. I literally just got the game though, so I'm still learning.

Hey man, im sorry but it takes a while to learn the entire game.. im looking for an already established group.

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Hey man, im sorry but it takes a while to learn the entire game.. im looking for an already established group.

I live in toronto, I don't play often but i have friends that do manage to get me to play most of the time, about 6 guys

about to start setting up camps , if you want more than that go join a clan, send me your steam handle and ill add you to friends

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Hey man, im sorry but it takes a while to learn the entire game.. im looking for an already established group.

It's actually more fun learning with a group that doesn't know anything beyond the "controls".

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Hey there, I stumbled on your post while googling TO servers.

I live in downtown Toronto and I wouldn't mind partnering up from time to time, just to shake things up.

I usually go the lone-wolf route, watching players through my scope and acting accordingly, but as of

an hour ago my 5th day game ended because a hacker decided to insta-gib everyone on DE 975.

Got a few tents so it wouldn't take me long to get in the swing of things again. Let's go fix some ATVs!

Steam: f00n4t1c Anyone is free to add me, just don't backstab me. Front stabbing is better but no stabbing at all is preferred.

I'm also looking to trade for a GPS.

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I'm looking for people as well, adding you Valar =]

Can search me through on Gooshnads too!

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Hi I'm from Toronto too. I've played a couple days by myself and would like to play with a group too.

My steam is: SN3AKY007

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