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Hacker on LU79 at 6:29PM-PST

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There was a hacker on LU79 at 6:29-PST (2:31AM-GMT). Nameplate said Flash Gordon. was sneaking through the woods by zelengorsk at night turned around and he was running at me i shot about a clip of AK74 ammo at him (point blank couldn't miss) after which he proceded to type "don't waste you ammo" I then logged off (Ik i would never do this but letting a hacker kill you is pointless) I logged on to warn anyone else still on the server at which point about 10 people diead at the same time. Would really like to see something done about this Ik its hard to stop hackers but you've got to try arn't bandits bad enough without hackers.

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Flash! Ahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

He'll save everyone of us!

Did you ever try talking with him, a guy with the name of flash gordon sounds like a nice guy to me. Unless you are an evil bandit then you probably will need to be wary.

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Flash! Ahhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

He'll save everyone of us!

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Hey scavenger,I saw this flash gordon guy too,he did the same to me except he didnt kill me when i stopped shooting,he spawned me a UAZ lol :D maybe you should have waited :D

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