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DAYZ. what happens in the game will happen in real life.

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didnt read the op

didnt read the thread

you die in RL; youre done / end

you die in DayZ; you run back to your camp full of duped stuff and regear

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It's also logical that any touchy subject like religion, politics, racism, sexism and similar stuff will lead to trolling. It's still the internet, things don't change around here.

Den we just gotta ignore them niggas . Hell, any discussion on the internet leads to trollin! Don't mean we can't have dat discussions.

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IF the OP is american it is amazing that he figured out about this info, its out there and true, i didnt even have to read it, i just saw the word zionism and bam the knowledge, more people should research this.

Religion as we know it is man made, christianity and bleh, well "man" made and "man" made, those in the know know who made the bible lol and you can call him god ofc, it really doesnt matter about the bible and christianity, its just a thing thats there for the taking, believe in it or dont, its a stopping point like television and entertainment.

I was an atheist myself, then alot of crazy shit started happening, the crazy shit was like i was being guided all the facking time, it got annoying at one point, took the red pill sort of and well, now i kinda know what life is all about and the things we have been told throughout our life was mostly all a lie,

Religion is made for people to be devided and different, some use it because they feel it gives them faith in something and they are doing something good which they probably are, but behind religion there is anger, in every religion there is anger and death, destruction, guilt, being condemned and judged and i must say i do not want to believe in something with that shit in it.

DayZ happening in RL the same way? no, in chaos people band together, but in total chaos people suck anyones c**k as long as they have a solution, the solution could be mass wipeout of people and they would say yes, thats just how people are.

It wont be the same lol, what i do in the game i do in the game, ive got 12 kills so far.

some call this being crazy, a conspiracy, but think again, why is this considered being crazy when its not? the only thing it is is going against the stream, and why is that bad? why be like anyone else when you can be yourself? why be a slave to society when you can be free? why is it exactly money was born and what good comes out of it? There is so much competition in the world now, wanna be first! and there is so much focus on that aswell, competition = being devided again. This isnt an unhealthy belief, its healthy, you can train your brain in the most fascinating ways, information capabilities, digging in your own memory and further, experiencing both scary and awesome things.

A person who would write as the OP and probably me would be called crazy, but no, im just not like everybody else, i dont wanna be sat down only thinking about earning money and shit that has something to do with society, because society is the crazy place.

Take a look at what is owned in the world, what the TV shows us, what music is being played to us and what does the text's actually mean, is there a story behind the story, all the artists that suddenly just comes out without being in a show or anything, like they are chosen? and remember, the greatest secret is hidden in plain sight.

Also remember this



Solution and remember not to suck c**k

But being atheist is not being a satanist, you are allowed to have any belief you want in life, just dont stay asleep and deny and deny and deny over and over again like most people do, dont succumb to stupid vaccines, ive got 2 in my life and im rarely sick at all, swine flu was meh but that was just a test anyway.

People like alex jones who most people listen to when they figure out about zionists must take into account that alex jones support the same shit that people wants to fight, its all the same but a different side, it might look like he is attacking something but he actually isnt, he is just recruiting his own little soldiers for the total anarchy.

What OP writes about the third world war is gonna happen, and it already is. First it was syria, we obviously for some reason needed a conflict down there, next will be iran, and the US is dying to get in on that action, the russians and chinese are all in on it too, it doesnt really matter what they say when they are on the TV because its all just a lie and it doesnt matter if you speak out because society is pretty much already broken, they think they know but what they dont know is that they were told to know what they know, simple. Either Iran or Russia will strike israel, maybe israel will be left alone and iran will be where the fight is, or there will be a fight in syria with the russians so i think, i heard some talk about them wanting to defend syria or something but im not sure.

But just watch it, the olympics is also just to keep our attention away from something, or towards, i dont know about this yet.

But OP, what happens in dayz will happen only in dayz, there is no reason to use another excuse for you being killed in the game, if you did. Ofc some people will go all crazy but meh, come what may is all i can say.

Im just observing.

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Most of my nicest friends have been agnostic/ and atheist.

Most of my nastiest acquaintances have been Christian.

Mitt Romney is religious. /thread

ITT: People getting trolled. Hard.

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ITT: People getting trolled. Hard.

I'm not a troll :(

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I'm an Atheist.

I served in the US Army.

I can honestly say, I wouldn't kill a non combatant.

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Or...DayZ is filled with shut-in 12 year old devils.

fixed it for you :)

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Someone has a crucifix shoved a little too far up their ass...

I mean, really... please tell me we all agree this guy's out his damn mind.

You cannot vilify any one faith more so than another. From the genocide, to persecution, to the exodus' of all people's from all lands throughout all of history. C'mon, 65 some fucking thousand years later and were still butting heads over an 'invisible, selfish' god fellow, who if he is all powerful, all-knowing, etc. his ass won't need no goddamn praise from our shithead backwards-ass society.

Go put your dick in a bible and shut it. Leave us all out of it.

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Massive post with quoted parts and retorts ahead. TL;DR at the bottom.

All the murder of innocent people, the pathetic excuses for killing unarmed, non threatening people. it will all happen in real life because sadly, the same people playing the game are the majority of people around the world

We are gamers. We play games. You can pretend to be or do something you can't in real life because it's a game. It's not real. It's just pretend. One of the many charms of gaming to quite a lot of gamers, I'd assume.

That said, you are correct that many of the things that happen in DayZ could happen in real life in similar circumstances, but it's a game. Your life in a game isn't as valueable as your actual life, so you don't concern yourself as much with losing it. What happens in DayZ would not happen in real life to the same extent; DayZ occurences are greatly, if not massively, exaggerated because it's not real. It's just pretend.

They are capable of great evil

And so are religious people. What's your point?

the continual attacks on religion, making it fashionable to ridicule, the attacks by science, the false flag projects framing religious people as dangerous and extreme

Oh, you meant like this?;

they think of themselves proudly as atheists, but really they are the brainchild of satanists.

Glad to know you're a hypocrite. Makes the rest of your post less worthy of my time. Too bad for you I have a lot of time.

they have all worked to create an amoral generation who believe in nothing.

Present proof of this, please. I'm an atheist, but how the hell (Lawl) do you know I don't believe in -anything-?

who do not know right from wrong. who cannot see why helping someone else, helps themselves. who do not treat others like they would like to be treated, because they have not been taught the consequence of their actions.

Sorry, I have morals. A longer list of them than most religious people, as far as I know.

Yes, if you are an atheist, realise that you are being used to SATANIC ends. you are actually THE DEVIL.

I'm an atheist. I don't believe in religious affairs, and this includes Satan, The Devil, or whatever else you would have him be called. So telling me this is quite pointless. Common sense would help prevent stating pointless things like this in the future, but it seems religion might have robbed you of yours.

Only believing in science will destroy us.

Yes. Science is bad. Especially medical science! You know that thing they do in the hospital to save lives? Outrageous, isn't it? How dare they use medical science to help mankind survive!

So you see, the characteristics you see in DAYZ when interacting with other players, every time it annoys you to be murdered, know that soon, when the right situation is brought about, it will be in real life you are dealing with these people.

Especially if 'these' people happen to be people like you.

So do not jump in when your friends ridicule religion, because you are being manipulated, manipulated by satan, by everything you have been tought not to believe in. stand up for morality, for doing right, even when the benefits appear null. realise that only the idea of something better, higher, fairer, can give a society the inspiration to progress and develop. if that inspiration isnt there, we are all doomed.

I don't ridicule religion. I haven't been taught to not believe in anything. I made all my choices myself, and really, I think religion is fine. I don't mind religious people in general.

I do, however, ridicule and harass religious people like you, because that's exactly what people like you seem to like to do. An eye for an eye, and all that. You only have yourself to blame, really. Oh, and all of my friends pretty much share this view. My atheist friends, anyway, I think I have a couple of religious ones too. They just happen to be nicer than you are. :3

TL;DR (omg big red words are scary)

OP is an idiot. It really is that simple.

I have too much free time, hence this post. I was bored. D:

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I think when you throw in women, children, families, and the fact death is permanent...I think the "Deathmatch" would be close to non-existent, atleast after a few years

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I understand being agnostic, just dont understand being an atheist.

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I was just about to post this... thank you!

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Mass Religion of any kind is for the sheeple, not an individual thinking person. Do I see evidence of some kind of higher intelligence in the universe we humans can see here from our little spec of dust? Well, yes, kinda. There's too many mathematical coincidences for everything to be random. Do I believe in God in the sense of the Christian bible? No. Why? Because in my mind no just or loving "God" who truly loved all his children would doom them to Eternity of hell and damn-nation for a mistake made in the insignificant span of a single human life. If a truly all loving and all knowing God truly existed there would be no hell because he would be all forgiving even if you didn't have time to "repent" before you die.

All of our religions are man made. They are not the words of any god. They were wrote down by a person (many times around the world by many people) simply to try to teach people how to be good and decent people. Then of course came the time when they were all implemented as a means of control. Religions will always have more control over people than any government or world leader. Worlds leaders come and go, live and breath and die. Religions never stop, going on and on, evolving growing and changing, until they either take over completely or every single practitioner of that faith is dead and their ideology isn't taught anymore.

Find your own religion and relationship with god, or not, in accordance with what you personally believe. The goal is to be a good person and know what's right and what's wrong no matter what book or god is teaching you to do so.

This is a video game man. I'm pretty sure almost all of us understand that. I don't think the world is really populated with people who will shoot first and ask questions later. There's people like that sure, but if/when the shit hits the fan those people will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. I wouldn't just straight up shoot someone in real life for no reason though, even if I and my family were starving and they had all the beans. I'd go kill an animal. I'd protect my family and friends and anyone else who wasn't trying to kill people with my life, but I'd never start killing people unless me or my loved ones were really being threatened. Also, I'm American.

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Gonna turn this religious. Maybe religious people should study some history so they can realise that more people have died in the name of religion then any other human cause.

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Gonna turn this religious. Maybe religious people should study some history so they can realise that more people have died in the name of religion then any other human cause.

Not to defend religion, but this isn't a good argument. Kings and leaders use religion as a tool to stir their masses. All those wars through history were led by guys who really knew what they were doing the whole time. There would be no crusades without a rich Vatican trying to get richer. Are we slaughtering non-believers to spread our faith or our influence? People can believe what they want, but bad people use that belief and twist it to get what they want out of believers.

I guess it is kind of like the gun thing. Did the gun kill the person or did the gunman?

This is just my take on it.

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*unfashionable wall of text incoming, if you dont have the concentration span, fine, just dont spam the thread letting us know you dont with "tl:dr". *

All the murder of innocent people, the pathetic excuses for killing unarmed, non threatening people. it will all happen in real life, because sadly, the same people playing the game are the majority of people around the world, the mindset is the same. they are all atheists whome science is their god. that is what they believe themselves to be, but in biblical terms they are satans army of revelations. they are the army of the "new world order", they are the amoral people of babylon, who christ came down to disperse across the world because he did not want all the world unified and controlled under lucifer.

They are capable of great evil, because they have no idea of anything better. the continual attacks on religion, making it fashionable to ridicule, the attacks by science, the false flag projects framing religious people as dangerous and extreme. they have all worked to create an amoral generation who believe in nothing. who do not know right from wrong. who cannot see why helping someone else, helps themselves. who do not treat others like they would like to be treated, because they have not been taught the consequence of their actions. they think of themselves proudly as atheists, but really they are the brainchild of satanists.

Yes, if you are an atheist, realise that you are being used to SATANIC ends. you are actually THE DEVIL.

Lets see what Albert Pike, sovereign grand freemason, only confederate to have his statue in washington dc, had to say about it:

"The true name of Satan, the Kabalists say, is that of Yahveh reversed; for Satan is not a black god but the negation of God. The Devil is the personification of Atheism or Idolatry."

Only believing in science will destroy us. only believing in science is the antichrist spirit which enslave mankind unto lucifer. simply because of the collatoral effects, the meta game. it makes it impossible for humans to be free, when not adhering to religious morals. the richest man, with no idea of morals, will enslave or kill us all at his whim. that is the outcome of this path we're heading down,

Lets see what he said about WW3, in the late 1800's:

"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel<america and the west are a part of the state of israel>) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 4

So you see, the characteristics you see in DAYZ when interacting with other players, every time it annoys you to be murdered, know that soon, when the right situation is brought about, it will be in real life you are dealing with these people.

So do not jump in when your friends ridicule religion, because you are being manipulated, manipulated by satan, by everything you have been tought not to believe in. stand up for morality, for doing right, even when the benefits appear null. realise that only the idea of something better, higher, fairer, can give a society the inspiration to progress and develop. if that inspiration isnt there, we are all doomed.

And when you see some cocky atheists, who are atheists sheerly out of greed, so they can feel good about themselves because society tells them they are clever and correct. teach them the truth of how they are just a tool, which is being used to enslave and destroy humanity, and bring about the most bloody cataclysm humans have ever witnessed.

well, thats just been floating around, i had to get it out of my system. i hope someone takes note.

10/10 would read again

That's some top tier trolling there man. Good job.

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10/10 would read again

That's some top tier trolling there man. Good job.

I don't know. I didn't actually read it.

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I don't know. I didn't actually read it.

All the murder of innocent people, the pathetic excuses for killing unarmed, non threatening people. it will all happen in real life, because sadly, the same people playing the game are the majority of people around the world, the mindset is the same. they are all atheists whome science is their god.

I read up to there. Looked to see pother posters reaction to the OP, and could conclude that his trolling was successful.

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Not to defend religion, but this isn't a good argument. Kings and leaders use religion as a tool to stir their masses. All those wars through history were led by guys who really knew what they were doing the whole time. There would be no crusades without a rich Vatican trying to get richer. Are we slaughtering non-believers to spread our faith or our influence? People can believe what they want, but bad people use that belief and twist it to get what they want out of believers.

I guess it is kind of like the gun thing. Did the gun kill the person or did the gunman?

This is just my take on it.

The way I see it, if a person goes on a shooting rampage and kills people, the government and the system that the government has in place is responsible. If the system provides for access to items that are designed to kill, then it is a failed system (which contradicts the current "default" US beliefs). On the other hand if the person is forced to kill someone with a butter knife, hes responsible because there is no facility in place that can stop people from buttering their bread. But religion is a facility that has proven to be responsible for mass murder over the last few thousand years right up to this very day. Religion is a weapon and its used as such.

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Religion is a weapon and its used as such.

Generally what I mean. I am just mixed as to whether I think the weapon is inherently evil or the one using it. But you make a good point. It's a personal thing I haven't found a conclusion to yet.

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