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Green mountain?

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I looked on wiki and it says there are lootable buildings, but none of the doors open. Am I not seeing something or did they change it?

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Oh...Well fuck lol...Im afraid now

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No person typed that on the wiki. That was Green Mountain itself.

You have fallen for it's call.

I shall pray for your soul.

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Tell me wtf is going on, haha..Explain?

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A team of 6 of us went to Green Mountain...only 2 of us made it out alive.

We lost 4 good players that day. I will never go back there again.

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Only one person ever made it out of Green Mountain he has some advice for you:

Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck. - The Doctor.

Personally I think you should run. run now.

Run far but just RUN.

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i ventured to green mountain once... i thought it was nothing at first, but then...

enigmatic sequences began.

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I once went to Green Mountain.. It was horrible.... I had to kill them all. I will pray for all those murders ;_;

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I know of 3 people who went to explore Green Mountain. They all died within 5 seconds of each other as they were trying to hunt down a mysterious person seen creeping through the woods around there.

Five .45ACP rounds later from point blank range and my counter-ambush was achieved, lol.

Also, me and a mate rejoined a server inside the tower. He spawned 20m in the air just outside the tower, poor fella.

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