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Eminems new song totally relates XD

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song isn't new

my apologies, I just heard it on XM and thought it was cause Id never heard it before. I see now was released in dec 2000... damn :P why havent i heard this!

Oh well anyway... it relates to dayz totally from :25-:40

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haha yea it kinda relates, but I don't think the song is new as the title say, i'm sure I've listened it on the past.

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haha yea it kinda relates, but I don't think the song is new as the title say, i'm sure I've listened it on the past.

heh I know. Well, I didnt know. Not until tuleg1t said something. an I googled it. Turns out its REALLY! REALLY old. I just couldnt believe Ive never heard it before.

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i'm sorry but I don't see how this relates or has a DayZ feel at all.

Edited by Zera_Grey

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