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DE 673 - ASD Team Hacking

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Hello Community, hi DayzTeam,

i was with my friend and our 12days old full-equipt charakters on DE 673 hosted by [ASD] and snipt two players named ncoxx [ASD] and mrcxX [ASD]. 20 sec later ncoxx ASD spawnt right next to us and we killt him again. we saw this on the deathmassage leftdownside. They must hack cause our position was many km away from the coast. next 20 sek later a unvisible player shoot us from a distance, we just saw the fire of the gun but no player.

at this time there was mrcxx ASD, ncoxx ASD, Bandit Mauser and shanapu/thomas with us on the server.

the server is named "TEAMPLAY RULES" :blink: :facepalm:

sorry for my bad english!!!

i hope i/you can help you to keep dayz clean!

Edited by sebo

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Thx for the Info. I take a look in the Logfiles.


Unfortunately I could not see anything in the logfiles. 6 clock will be taught the files. But in the name of the Rcon tool ncoxx [ASD] is in there 2 times.

once with the GUID: 67af0688cc13fba48b38b36b917bf56f and the IP:

And even with the GUID: be29b21849f9565864c50f938e739402 and the IP:

The second GUID is our team member and was not online yesterday to today. I think that the first GUID stole the name has to be bad to leave us there.

But we are also happy to clarify this in a personal interview to TS or via Skype.

This is your Great Char has died is really sad but we are currently fighting against a lot of hackers and we hope that we will soon have better defensive options.

Edited by Shigeru_Ren

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Did i have to make a new Thread for the same Server?


I found a Camp on DE 673. I plundernd some of the Tents i found, just in that moment someone spawnd right in front of me and logged out almost instantly. I did the same thing. unfortunately i cant remember the name of the guy. Me and him just stayed at the lobby i watched him and some admins joined the server too. Later as i wanted to join the server again i spawnd at the coast. I think some of them just ported me to this place. Pretty strange. Me and some friends went to this very same camp before a couple days, and they were shoot out of nowhere. We found the camp with a Helicopter.

I hope this would help to get some hackers banned.


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Thanks for the information. Yesterday we noticed several hackers and directly operates. This could also be banned immediately 2-3.

@ Annanass, we have ts and if you notice that something is wrong so you can immediately take kontackt with us.

thx for playing on de 673 :)

Edit: oh yes I would feel good for whom this topic is "closed". This topic is resolved

Edited by Shigeru_Ren

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