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Looking for Survivors to join wth me and some friends.

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Hello everyone!

I am in charge of a small survivor group and we are looking for new members! We all use skype to talk to each other. The survivor group has 9 people right now but only 4 of us are regular everyday members. We are looking for new dayz players and experienced ones. We do have a rank system but we only use it when we are raiding places to maintain everyone's security. We do end up shooting other players that are not inside the skype call with us due to the ammout of bandits and the fact even survivors will kill each other if the other one has better gear. My skype is lucaslee1994 and my steam is rice1994 add me and lets start playing! I am also interested in merging survivor groups if any leaders are interested.

Best of luck and happy looting!

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sure add me if you are interested in having new players i know that one of my friends joined a group of six that lost 2 of its members out of 6 so if my friend is killed im sure hell go looking for another group add me on steam: generaltao0001 sry for not being a grammar nazi with my apostrophes

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Hey, I'll be down to join you guys. I'm new to this game and don't have much experience in it but I do understand all the basics. I think it'll be better if join a few people then running around on my own out there lol add me on steam: lazy1785

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Hey folks!

I'm quite interested in this, but be aware that I'm not the best of man to have by your side when shit hits the fan as I'm quite unexperienced with regards to how zombies act, the sound system etcethera works.

Nevertheless, I'm a veteran of regular ArmA II and would love to have a few folks to knock about with to avoid those shifty bandits!

Steam: [GTO]J.Skrill

Edited by JSkrill

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My skype is lucaslee1994 my real name is Lucas Lee and my pic for skype is a picture that says no little asian don't eat them raw!

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