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Fix for render glitches!

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Friend sent me this, tried it out in start sabot and it works great, after a small loading screen no more screen tears.

Push shift+numpad- no text box will appear but type 'flush' and then press enter of it doesn't auto activate, after this you shouldn't see any more screen tears.

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Dont know then, sorry. And in reply to guy who said I was a hacker, how exactly could I hack you by making you type flush?

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you can try to activate vsync and deacticate right again... has the same effect: rerendering the scene you see ;) you you push ESC and then ALT+Enter to get it windowed and get it back right afterwards

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Set video memory to default all the time, when you get the glitch, change to Very High, save it, and then bring it back to Default. It causes the objects to be re-rendered so should remove any artefacts

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