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The Problems With Tents

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Yeah ok, so I did what you mentioned , walking forward and pressing pitch then as I move, and he starts doing the animation with sound fx buuuut, no tent. It remains in my gear. Another thing that happened while i tried out different things is that i got 2x more tents in my inventory by spamming pitch tent while walking. So its not really a working sollution to do this. Any other suggestions? Have been trying to set up my tent all day.


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I dont understand, it took me less than a minute to set up a tent on a slope...

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I have used the inch forward trick, when you start getting the animation to place tent but it doesn't pitch you are very close to finding your spot.

Although not impossible its VERY difficult.

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Used that method and got a tent up, but I also somehow duped my one tent into three.

Put it down, then saw i had a tent still, so I tried to put that tent into my pitched tent's inventory, which then stored THAT tent, and I STILL had one in my inventory.

So, involuntary duping.

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Just happened to me as well. Picked up a tent, unsucessfully deployed it, and every time I failed it split my tent into two other tents.

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Yeah I got a dupe as well, pitched it then packed it up and moved it. Came back later and there was a tent where i removed the old one. With one bit of gear still in it.

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I was wondering the same, I was having problems placing a tent then just started spamming "pitch a tent". Sometimes it would duplicate the tent and not be placed. Other times it would place the tent and duplicate. Very odd... came here to see if any others were having problems and see others figured out the same thing I had.

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have the tents been disabled until these bugs are resolved? yesterday I placed a tent and today it is gone.. server EU8

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Date/Time: Last couple of days.

What happened: Unable to pitch a tent.

Where you were: I've tryed in many different places across the map.

What you were doing: Trying to pitch a tent

*Current installed version: 1.7

*Server(s) you were on: U26

*Your system specs: N/A

*Timeline of events before/after error: Just general gameplay.

(Side note, I did a quick search didn't find anything about it soo..)

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What happened: Unable to pitch a tent.

Where you were: I tried many spots to no success.

What you were doing: Trying to pitch a tent.

*Current installed version: 1.7

*Server(s) you were on: UK6 and UK12

*Timeline: Thursday the 14th of June, 2012

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Do we know just about how "safely" (as in "as long as I don't get looted, I'm fine") I can store my equipment in a tent? If it is going to bug out on me, I'd rather just use the gear than waiting for better times.

No use having an M14 AIM collecting dust because I'm too afraid to loose it and end up doing so anyway...

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