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The SLAP Train

Hackers are ruining this game

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been playing for a while now and all i seem to find are hackers not im not a little kid whining i died , im seeing it all over guys are getting shot point blank and still trying to kill me better yet there wearing a guilie suit and attacking me with a axe lol like come on what sthe fun in playing if your just going to run into the same shit over and over

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its alpha they are trying to get rid of this shit as fast as they can

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It is a free mod. You aren't wasting money on any of this. The devs will get around to it. That might be next week or next month, who knows.

Ever own Call of Duty? That was rampant with hackers as well. Just be patient and an update will fix this. Yes, the "hackers" are ruining this game, but another topic about this issue will not solve it.

Here is a question for you: Would you want the hackers finding every exploit now or would you prefer they wait until the game is finished?

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