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Guns Disappearing from Backpack When Disconnecting

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In the last week me and a friend have lost various high level guns upon logging out, including an M249, M107, M4A3 CCO and Bizon PP. Some of these have happened after disconnecting hours after they were picked up. Is there any way to prevent this from happening? I was really looking forward to using my M107 but now I'm back to an M24

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I used to have that problem a lot particularly when I played on a large array of servers. I've found that sticking to one or two primary servers helps this at least on my end, I can't verify if it'd actually make a difference. Otherwise, as other people mentioned keep that preferred gun on hand.

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Theres 2 ways I get this,

1 - Take a backpack from a corpse with stuff in it.

2 - Recent weapon addition to backpack and it could be one you've had for ages just recently switched to it.

Its caused by the hive not been updated with your current loadout when you log out

Same solution kill a zombie before you log, do some inventory movement and don't be in a rush to log out

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happened to me too,

lost an as50 but not the ammo

still sad

i think u can avoid this by waiting longer after switching weapons. ur weapon switch is simply not registered by the hive if u disconnect right after u do that.

farewell as50 :(


Edited by h3retic

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Some of these have happened after disconnecting hours after they were picked up.

didnt see this,

so my advice is pretty useless

Edited by h3retic

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database/hive errors i imagine

has happened to me a few times

not just weapons.

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wait 5-10 minutes for the server database to catch that u have new or more guns added to ur player. they did this so if u kill a guy or find something u cant alt f4 out with a good gun. also prevents server hopping.

if anyone needs help with supplys add me on skype: ballswag

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I picked up a DMR yesterday, I put my AS50 in my backpack and my DMR in hand. 20 seconds later my friend picked up a Coyote pack off the same guy I got the DMR off. About 15 seconds after that the server disconnected, when we logged back in I didn't have the DMR yet my friend had the backpack and all its contents. I was extremely annoyed and tbh it didn't make much sense to me.

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wait 5-10 minutes for the server database to catch that u have new or more guns added to ur player. they did this so if u kill a guy or find something u cant alt f4 out with a good gun. also prevents server hopping.

if anyone needs help with supplys add me on skype: ballswag

Actually its just the hive lagging XD

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