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So i want some people to know about something.

My clan is usually on the trip at LU180.

As we figured out two other clans are often there:

the [G] and the [PB] clan.

So we killed them from time to time, but they probably don't know it yet, that there's another clan on the server.

That's why i now want to announce for you:

"We are there, we gonna hunt you down, and you'll have a bad time."

As you're not crossing our way that often and as you're almost never get a kill on us,

we'd like to give you the opportunity to contact us and make it a real war.

If you're from another clan than the mentioned two, reading this and thinking: challenge accepted.

feel free to post it below, and let's see who kicks whos a**es.



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if you want a clanwar its simple, announce the city you are occupying and remain there for as long as you seem fit

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i am in ur clan and iv been stealing from both tent sites and the jeep. thanks for the mags. :D but you will never know who i am.

hi dave

Edited by unknownuser

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i am in ur clan and iv been stealing from both tent sites and the jeep. thanks for the mags. :D but you will never know who i am.

If you really are, I would expect you to ask your clan for solutions to the problem in your sig.. And if you've done then you're busted..

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nice ill bring my crew there and join the fighting :P

3-8 ppl grp, we are no lootpile stackers and do never back away from a fun fight, runs out and loot some barns to get basic weapons such as lee einfields and winchester and CZ550.

takes a round to the stary tents and the airfield to get more/upgrade weapons to AK:s M16:s etc.. always a nice mix moderate/rare weapons to the fun :P

cheers and cya in the line of fire

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i am in ur clan and iv been stealing from both tent sites and the jeep. thanks for the mags. :D but you will never know who i am.

We will see, whether i'll get yer or not, but you could proof that you're with us, by pm me the clanname, some members and which language we use :D

You have my beans for telling me :D

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nice ill bring my crew there and join the fighting :P

3-8 ppl grp, we are no lootpile stackers and do never back away from a fun fight, runs out and loot some barns to get basic weapons such as lee einfields and winchester and CZ550.

takes a round to the stary tents and the airfield to get more/upgrade weapons to AK:s M16:s etc.. always a nice mix moderate/rare weapons to the fun :P

cheers and cya in the line of fire

well then please tell me your clantag, and let the hunt begin :D

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I have 4 vehicles on LU180, never seen you guys only seen a ural which I pursued and was ambushed :D

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There is a group of 4 of us that often play on this server, we absolutely destroyed that clan [gamers] (which I think is [G]) with AKM's and low end weapons, they had some really amazing gear and we looted it all and hid their bodies. We took a DMR, M107, L85A2 AWS, and 3 M4A1 CCO SD. And their coyote backpacks and items on their tool belt. We aren't a clan we're just a group of friends having fun.

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I think [bH]ACHT took the Ural, thank you btw ;)

I managed to kill about 3 and we didn't have a Ural from the start, just saw it and chased it from Balota.

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Hey, I run around with the [G] guys (Ginnunga) and I was just told about this thread by one of our members.

We are a MMO guild found at http://www.ginnunga.org and a few of us play DayZ on and off. Don't really care about clan war stuff, but I just wanted to comment on the fight we had with [bH] a few days ago during nighttime west of Kabanigo, and thanks a lot for not combat-logging (as far as I noticed). ;) Was tons of fun, even if it got confusing with so many people around during the night ,sandwiched between 2 groups (BH and a group without tag we killed just before I encountered you there). ;)

Edited by Calyn
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There is a group of 4 of us that often play on this server, we absolutely destroyed that clan [gamers] (which I think is [G]) with AKM's and low end weapons, they had some really amazing gear and we looted it all and hid their bodies. We took a DMR, M107, L85A2 AWS, and 3 M4A1 CCO SD. And their coyote backpacks and items on their tool belt. We aren't a clan we're just a group of friends having fun.

Yeah! Those [G] guys are realy bad. They run around like headless chicken LOL. I singlehanded took out six of them last night with nothing but my crowbar. I looted 15 rangefinders, 20 NVG's and a lot of DMR's and M4A1 CCO SD's. I put it all in my camp just outside Cherno. B)

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Yeah! Those [G] guys are realy bad. They run around like headless chicken LOL. I singlehanded took out six of them last night with nothing but my crowbar. I looted 15 rangefinders, 20 NVG's and a lot of DMR's and M4A1 CCO SD's. I put it all in my camp just outside Cherno. B)

Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if there was some foul play related to how they managed to have such good gear.. If you get my drift.

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Me and my Dutch friends always play on this server and we tried to find tents/cars/camps all night long, didnt find ANYTHING :(

Btw we got a group of 5/6 not really a Clan

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Me and my Dutch friends always play on this server and we tried to find tents/cars/camps all night long, didnt find ANYTHING :(

Btw we got a group of 5/6 not really a Clan

Remi I never saw you on the server, do you have a different ingame name?

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Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if there was some foul play related to how they managed to have such good gear.. If you get my drift.

Lyngs was being sarcastic, he is with us.

Do not appreciate the foul play comment though, it's not exactly hard to get geared up once you know how/where.

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i think people who always play in the same group should use a tag ....

Edited by <BH>ACHT

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Yeah! Those [G] guys are realy bad. They run around like headless chicken LOL. I singlehanded took out six of them last night with nothing but my crowbar. I looted 15 rangefinders, 20 NVG's and a lot of DMR's and M4A1 CCO SD's. I put it all in my camp just outside Cherno. B)

:thumbsup: :D

Lyngs was being sarcastic, he is with us.

Do not appreciate the foul play comment though, it's not exactly hard to get geared up once you know how/where.

usually i don't comment on somebodys playstyle or skill ... but as far as i know there is no foul play involved in [G]s playstyle ...

furthermore calyn gets the point ... once you know how to obtain mid ranged gear you can gear up pretty easy/fast ...

Edited by <BH>ACHT

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Sorry about the mess! We got realy drunk and the fireplace was too close to one of your tents so it caught fire. We tried to salvage as much of your stuff as we could. Our cars couldnt hold all of it tho, so we dumped some of the less valuable stuff. Including a weird diary with PMS schedules... why?! We went to a pawn shop in Zelenogorsk and got a very good deal, 10 cases of beer and a gallon of vodka. Cheers!!

Anyway, sorry about the tents, the beer cans, vomit and general useless state of the camp.

Edited by Lyngs

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