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Need Friends - Using Skype

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Hey all

I am an experienced Day Z player of about 3 or 4 months now. Love this game, but find myself losing to groups of players. I think it's time I made some friends and enjoyed the wonders of owning other players. If this interests you please skype me "nicholas.benza"


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I am rather noobish compared to you. Would you like to take me under your wing?

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Hey all

I am an experienced Day Z player of about 4 months. I have enjoyed playing solo, crawling my way around cities and handling myself with other players accordingly. I would like some friends to play with at this time. Please skype me at "nicholas.benza" if this interests you. Please have a mic and be mature and cool. Thanks


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OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting.


Moved to survivor HQ

EDIT - Merged Threads. Please Don't create new ones of the same nature.

Edited by 4L4N

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