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There are friends out there watching your back

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Not everyone out there in the game is bad. If you see the tag [Regulator] in the pre game lobby. Know that you have someone out there looking out for other players, whether it be saving those that get injured, stepping in and taking down player killers who like nothing more than to gun down new spawns or just being a mysterious sniper thats taking out zombies in your path.

We are out there doing the best we can, it might be in plain sight or it might be in the shadows and you may never know who saved you.

We are always looking for new members that dont want to have to kill on sight to survive and want to help other players in whatever way they can. Our numbers are growing faster every day.

Check out my youtube channel as I record all our missions and how we help other players:


If you are interested in joining the regulators

Our objectives are to uphold some form of law in the game and drive out people such as server hoppers and player killers.

Our rules are as follows:

1) Never harm innocents

2) Never kill for personal gain or loot.

3) Always help your fellow Regulators and other friendlies when possible. Help comes in many forms: medicine, food, supplies, firepower, information...there are no rules except the Golden one: Never do anything to others you wouldn't want them to do to you.

You can check out our forums at


Edited by thelonewarrior
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Pretty cool dude, but know that there are other clans doing the exact opposite. Those that kill other clans for the sport of it are probably much more co-ordinated. Keep that in mind.

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Yes we know, just know that there are still good people in this game and you can be part of it if you want

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regulators eh?

This is excatly what the dayz universe needs, organized friendlies.

I'll commend your initiative and sign myself up.

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If you would like to join, go to the forum link in my first post and read up about us, if you like it you can join by going to the regulator HQ subforum and leaving your details in the Regulator roster post

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We are still out there protecting as many as we can, we are killing more player killers than losses suffered. 4 Player killers dead today and we suffered 2 losses. We were out in force today in teams of at least 6 , player killers beware, we are coming for you

Edited by thelonewarrior

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I hope you like my AS-50s. Im not scared of people like you. Your what us hardcore bandits call 1+ murder.

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Think what you like, we killed a number of snipers today who underestimated us.

4 guys thought the same thing today and paid for it, they were well armed and we could tell they had been playing a long time

and one of them was a server hopper, he made the mistake of trying to trick us but it did him no good

The only casulties we take are when we are trying to meet up, as a team we do not lose anyone.

Are you sure you can take 6-8 (we would have had 8 but 2 coulsnt make it to us on foot) well armed guys down without dying and cheating? I dont think so.

I would imagine you are one of those people that sits in one spot with a sniper, and alt f4s as soon as they get shot at, like every other sniper out there because you know in a stand up fight where you cant teleport you will die, everyone on these forums knows that the guys with 400 murders are cheaters, very few bandits play properly in my experience, they server hop if they dont kill you straight away

Edited by thelonewarrior
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