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Day 2: The day I became a murderer.

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I started my day off like any other some quick Elektro looting followed by some running down the coastline to meet with a friend that was near cherno naked. While running along the coastline a unarmed individual ran upon me exclaiming "Hey I will be your best friend forever!" I liked his spunk so we ran along together. I showed him some the boat I had stolen earlier that evening as well as where the bikes spawn.

As we ran into Cherno shockingly no one was around, we were able to loot the church / red house / market with 0 incidents and managed to get him well equipped only thing he was missing was a real gun (had the xbow). Well we departed cherno with no hassles and after about ~5 minutes of running we come upon my RL friend (Who bought me the game I might add) when we get to his location I remember he has nothing on him since he just died and the bright idea came to me, I could just kill this new guy that I don't know and really help my RL friend out! Well without putting any more thought into it I turned around and shot the poor guy in the head as he was watching our backs. His last words were "Fuck you you fucking hookers" and he will always be remembered as my first kill.

Karma had a funny way of biting me right back in the ass tho, once my friend and I headed back into cherno we ran into a guy who just cleaned out a group in the market (1v3) I got the drop on him as he was looting something and put 2 shots into his back all of a sudden he poofed I figured he alt f4'd like a pansy but that didn't appear to be the case, about 5 seconds later my friend and I started taking heavy fire from a unknown position we took refuge inside of the market but we were still being hit. My friend went down followed by someone laughing over the comm and then I went down from no where. It was a sad day but we both chalked it up to karma for the Dbag thing I just did.

He logged off for the night after that and I spawned near cherno again, thinking myself clever I decided to wait ~10 minutes then go back in and get my corpse. That went perfectly and as I was exiting cherno hearding towards elektro I see a survivor dart into a side building I make haste and follow the person as he prones unarmed trying to hide from me "Friendly?" I asked and after 5 seconds of no reply i opened fire... as soon as i took the shot for his head I see chat pop up "Hi want to group with each other?" I was crushed. Already feeling bad about burning the last guy then shooting yet another person in cold blood that wanted to be friends I had to log off for a while.

Tl:dr I am totally a jackass but a remorseful jackass.

Edited by LetsbeFriends!
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Have my beans but beware massive use of beans and or bullets leads to banditification with no feelings whatsoever.

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I am feeling like the bandit life is going to be the life for me, after a few more murders the regret that came with it is no longer happening. But I try and avoid killing unarmed fresh respawns.

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omg i guess im not the only asshole... haha camping ubove electro with ghillie and 50.cal sniper

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once I actually find a sniper I plan on camping out north or elektro for some practice, as of right now I am trekkin north with my M4 looking for anyone and anything ;3

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I was on a server as a lone wolf. Then someone said "I can see you and I will shoot" I had nothing but an empty enfield. I said "Dont shoot, I got nothing"

But then I ran from a horde into the supermarket where they were. They shot the horde and we parted ways.

I was happy. First interaction with ppl that didnt end up with me dead. Ended up surviving for a few days after that.

EDIT: what tha hell, I just made my account and it thru my steam profile pic up there. Is that normal?

Edited by WooTs
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@Lets be friends - After we logged last last I ended up getting back on and checked that barn out again, got a CZ Sniper with 10 rounds. I am gonna post up in a tree line somewhere and hopefully not suck as bad as those 2 snipers we ran into lol.

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I still haven't figured out how to talk to people in -game. :(

use the "." key to get on the direct communication chanel, then use the "/" key to type in what you say, only people close to you can see it, you can also hold down caps lock and voice chat if you have a mic. that or meet up with them here and chat on skype/ventrilo/teamspeak while playing.

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Nice bro, I am rocking an M4 w/ g17 + mp5 in the pack just heading north now, if you want to group back up tonight and trek out north for some real weps let me know

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Nice bro, I am rocking an M4 w/ g17 + mp5 in the pack just heading north now, if you want to group back up tonight and trek out north for some real weps let me know

I am down, I have some more coding I got to finish up then I will be getting on.

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Sounds good I am about to get on some of that dinner action. Now that we have a sniper between us we can prolly accomplish more lol.

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Sounds good I am about to get on some of that dinner action. Now that we have a sniper between us we can prolly accomplish more lol.

lol, hopefully so long as I don't have another makarov incident like last night... lmao...

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I had that same incident with a g17 about an hour ago, zombie was wigging out on me and i unloaded a whole clip before I said fuck it and used my M4

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You know, my very first kill was with an axe in Cherno also, so I feel a bit of a kindred spirit with you. However, I have to admit that "banditry", when I DO set out for it -- which is not ALL the time -- is much more fun at the NW Airfield or Stary. Picking people off in Elektro or Cherno is generally easy since they will have crap for gear. Setting yourself against someone who's not totally wet behind the ears deeper inland, pure gold.

...that's not to say that I don't try to go on killing sprees whenever I do manage to die and spawn in Cherno or Elektro myself again...

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You know, my very first kill was with an axe in Cherno also, so I feel a bit of a kindred spirit with you. However, I have to admit that "banditry", when I DO set out for it -- which is not ALL the time -- is much more fun at the NW Airfield or Stary. Picking people off in Elektro or Cherno is generally easy since they will have crap for gear. Setting yourself against someone who's not totally wet behind the ears deeper inland, pure gold.

...that's not to say that I don't try to go on killing sprees whenever I do manage to die and spawn in Cherno or Elektro myself again...

I had a pretty bad gear so i didn't feel bad.

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