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Most unlucky moment ever -.-

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i had:

best backpack

1 L85

1 M107

2 NVG´s

2 Ghillies

2 Rangefinders

3 GPS´


someone shot me, my friend shot him who shot me ..

My friend guaded the place where i died(to get my stuff)

But the body was never there .. it was away right when i got shot.. also the one that shot me had like no body -.-

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FOund a heli crash this morning.

I crawl up, ready to use my Lee Enfield but don't have to.


I'm elated. I pick it up..... Arma crashes.

I reconnect, the gun is gone. There are a couple regular FNs though, so I grab one and the clips... But....


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Breaks your heart when that stuff happens. I just got dropped off in a location only for the server to crash and cause my whole computer to hang. I'm now worried that when I go back in I will have lost the cargo I was carrying. <_<

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Masochist that I am, I make up "role playing" explanations.

Like I found the gun, but damn.... Too damaged in the crash....

Sucks for the OP though. He died :P

Edited by Disgraced

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AS50, night vision, rangefinder, gps, etc - was online when a hacker killed everyone on the server instantly. Body wasn't there when I made it back. No biggie though, once you know how to play it only takes 2-3 hours to regear yourself pretty well. (and most of that time is spent running)

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My unluckiest moment was in Elektro, I was looting the grocery store when a survivor came in carrying a train of zeds, we both yelled a quick friendly, and he said he was low on ammo and gonna die. I called back "Not on my watch!" swung out Jesse (My AKM) and gunned down the remaining zeds. He's hurt bad, so I rush over, bandage him up, give him painkillers, morphine, and a transfusion. He thanks me, asks if I need anything, I say "no, I can just restock what I gave him here in the city before I leave and in fact, here's some mags for that pistol of yours."

He is elated that he met a true friendly, and I can hear the ear-to-ear smile in his voice. but his elation is short lived, he opens the back door to the store, and moves to the middle of the lot before he is hit in the chest by a sniper atop the fire hall near the power plant. He calls out to me, still alive but with a broken leg, I call for him to crawl back to me, trying to draw the snipers attention by shooting at him from the windows, but my accuracy is crap at that range, and with another harsh crack, my new friend is put down. I made it out of the city, barely. but that poor survivor, I didn't even ask him his name...

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