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the amazing flight lizard

No more zombies?

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So I was thinking, the "zombies" in this mod are little more than an annoyance. The only people they really affect are the guys without any gear anyways. And maybe it's just me, but I think the Mach 2 zombies just kinda look dumb.

The game is constantly evolving, mostly due to the players. Only some people actually play it for the zombies, and the guys that are playing it for that, are typically not out killing each other.

What if the mod split? Became two separate mods. One where the bandits were able to be out being all bandit-y, some kinda post apocalyptic thing as it is, and not have to deal with any server lag issues induced by having to spawn and control the ai stuff for the zombies.

And the other where there are traditional, slow moving, massive hordes of Romero zombies, that actually have to be feared, and fewer rewards for banditing, etc.

Because really, most of the bandit players are easy to spot on here, when controls, or attempts to limit the benefits to being a bandit are brought up, and the zombie crowd that doesn't want to deal with griefing bandits keeps trying to call for PvE servers, or other things that will make it so they don't have to deal with that aspect.

The only person that doesn't win with this setup is the guy that wants to spawn camp and kill newbies without any gear, and I think we can universally agree that he is an asshole anyways.

Bandits can sneak around and kill each other to their heart's content, and zombie survival players can find each other and team up and do their zombie slaying thing.

As it is now, it's mostly the bandit types that are winning, and getting what they want. Some people just really don't WANT to play a deathmatch. And with this setup, both divergent mods can be refined to cater to their individual player bases. You can add features to both that really don't appeal at all to the others.

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You have got to be kidding me...

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I came to DayZ expecting this:


This game ended up being this:


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You have got to be kidding me...

And looking at your sig, I can tell exactly why you wouldn't want this.

So go ahead and tell me why what you like doing is so much more legitimate than what I'm suggesting. Why you get to sit up on your high horse like you're somebody, and anybody with a differing opinion from yours is just oh so stupid.

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well, i just think maybe identification, or clan functionality would solve these issues, but maybe the game is just about survival, and all is included in survival.

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oh yeah another idea, no more killing could be resolved by an advantage like more luck to find stuff for friendlies, this could be "unrealistic"...

yeah, karma, karma is a bitch

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I get that, I really do. But wouldn't you also be able to identify the friends you've made by what they look like? With a limited amount of skins, it's tough to do that.

So really, with it being about survival and only that, there are a limited number of way that it is realistic.

I was just thinking that if a game is gonna be about zombies, let it be about zombies. Yes, we can kill each other, but the zombies should be the greater threat.

But I've got no problem with guys wanting to kill each other and loot their gear and such, it just doesn't really seem to be the same game.

That kind of game sorta treats the zombies as an afterthought. They aren't the biggest thing to fear. Or even really more than an annoyance.

If I'm feeling in a Dawn of the Dead, zombie apocalypse sort of mood, I would love to play that, and the potential is RIGHT there.

If I'm feeling in an I hate the world, my boss is a prick, and I just want to go kill somebody, but I can't do it for real, I would play the bandit style thing.

As they are now, the two styles aren't really conducive to each other, and the bandit type players, with a game set up specifically in that way, could have features that specifically support that type of play that would never fly with the zombie killing types, and vice versa.

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But I like grabbing a horde of zombies and rushing players that have gear. Zombies helped me out when i had nothing to defend myself with you just gotta know how to use em :D

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DayZ with no zombies=Arma 2

DayZ with no PvP=Chernarus Apocalypse

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You should play Arma 2 and uninstall DayZ.

Edited by Mirazoka

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