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Parachutes, Hatchets, Zombie Spawns

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I think it would be neat if you could parachute out of the helicopter via a scroll wheel option. A friend flies you over a city and everyone bails out as an assault group... As far as I know Arma2 already supports parachutes.

Melee Weapons

The melee weapons also need their own slot, or some way to equip them instantly without dropping my primary weapon. With the ridiculously high infinite respawn rate of zombies it's a requirement to kill quietly/silently, and this would go a long way toward helping in that regard. (If I can sling my rifle over my shoulder to unholster a pistol, I can definitely hold a hatchet)

Pistols not only give away your location to other humans, they're also much harder to get a kill with now that they've been gimped - since zombies majorly lag and teleport. (I've had many unquestionable headshots that didn't register) Back when bodyshots were one-hit kills it wasn't too much of a problem.

Personally I would find it more fun if zombies were a fixed amount, and once you clear out an area you wouldn't have to worry about them for another 30 minutes minimum (server adjustable so admins could set it to a max of "dead until server reboot")


Last but not least, zombies mechanics in general need a few fixes after the recent tweaks. Since it's harder to shake them now, they definitely shouldn't be able to sprint after you at 50kph. Max them out at player run speed so that if they're 30m away when you start running, they won't gain on you unless you stop or slow down. Currently if they spot you and you run at full speed away from them, they'll still catch up in a couple seconds, which is ridiculous and annoying.

Additionally, they shouldn't be able to walk through fences, doors, and walls anymore - with the new tweaks it's potentially deadly now to have a zombie walk through a wall behind you.

I don't mind difficulty, but it has to be properly balanced so it doesn't feel like the game is cheating - especially when it's touted as "realistic".

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Parachutes seem too military themed for my zombie survival

I agree with the melee weapon slot

Zombies are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY easier to shake than before. Just run thru a brush/evergreen and start crouchrunning after it. Shakes any zed in no time. It used to be impossible without buildings in the past

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Parachutes seem too military themed for my zombie survival

I agree with the melee weapon slot

Zombies are WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY easier to shake than before. Just run thru a brush/evergreen and start crouchrunning after it. Shakes any zed in no time. It used to be impossible without buildings in the past

parachutes are not military items............also it should have like 3 parachutes that you can not refill and only use once. however i heard there is a way to parachute out of a heli in dayz i havnt tested it yet since our chopper was stolen by hackers.

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i agree with you for the fixesto zeds and for melee, but i have to say that i never been so proud of all my headshots and that when i'm cornered:

1) i don't mind closing doors

2) i watch the wall in my back more than the door :D

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i agree with you for the fixesto zeds and for melee, but i have to say that i never been so proud of all my headshots and that when i'm cornered:

1) i don't mind closing doors

2) i watch the wall in my back more than the door :D

I don't even bother closing doors, since the zombies often walk straight through them without even opening them. It just ends up trapping the player if they can't get it back open if they need to escape. I would love to see a fix to this so you could slam the door on the zombies and hunker down inside until they wandered off - that would feel very authentic and satisfying.

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Parachute are already in the game people... Just eject at 100+ meters in the helicopter.

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I'd suggest:

1) A Melee slot that can be swapped to. The axe is on your tool belt and can be accessed but requires you to drop your gun. In reality you'd holster/ throw the gun over shoulder (the same way you would if changing weapons) and start swinging with axe.

and/ or

2a) A generic melee attack button provided you have a weapon or suitable object in your hand. If your being chased by a Zed and run out of ammo for your Shotgun/Rifle etc would you give up? No, you'd start swinging the butt like a club and smash the Zed's skull in. The animation for each weapon type could be unique too which would be an awesome touch. i.e Pistol whip to the head, rifle butt to the chest, swinging the shotgun like a baseball bat etc. Some weapons such as the mp5/uzi wouldn't be much use this way though i'd think. Maybe even add in a feature that you could potentially break your weapon by doing so.

It'd be a last resort option. scenario: Being chased by one zed, low health, 'fuck it!' *turns round and smashes zombie*. 'aww i've trashed my rifle, but at least i'm alive.'

2b) It would be a nice feature if you could kinda stun with the Melee attack to buy time as well. So instead of just stopping dead to swap primary to secondary (or vice versa), Melee bash the zed with the butt of rifle/ pistol whip, swap to alternative weapon and boom!

It could also act as a 'get-away move', bash the zombie/ knock it to the ground and gain some distance from it whilst it recovers.

3) Also you should be able to perform a running melee attack. Ever swung a bat whilst running at a target? If anything it should be more powerful but take longer to recover from or risk throwing yourself off balance.

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