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Tyranus The Malevolent

Possible Day Z Map Additions (Opinions)

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I wish water and boats could play a bigger role in the game. I think an addition of river connections or lakes would be an exciting and easy addition. Of course i know we all want a new or additional map.

I could see water becoming an all new type of playstyle with pirates, simple merchants, or even people giving rides. Total social experiment and I imagine a lot of jackings but kind of a fun concept.

I could see people using bridges as choke points and sneaking around them to rob the unsuspecting victims.

Feel free to add cool additions you would like to see to the map!

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As long as all our stuff isn't lost when entering water I'd like to see more water

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Figure they'll play with water in the standalone version of the game, right now they are prioritizing other concerns.

As it is now, only the PBX is fast enough to justify using water vehicles (the other ships spawn too far and move too slow to matter). And there ain't many places to go or hide but Drakon and Stalinsky.

Hopefully in the future they make it so it plays a bigger role in the game, as you say.

After all, one of the most common responses to "what will you do in the case of a zombie apocalypse?" is go to a deserted island.

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