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Night 1 survival - thanks for the tips!

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I like to study up on things before jumping in and did a lot of reading on this site before installing the game last night. Thanks to the helpful threads here and in the troubleshooting area, the install went flawlessly.

After spawning on the beach, I moved north while crouch-walking and was shot at by a player while crossing the railroad tracks. In my hasty escape, I attracted a zombie who followed me into the woods. Running up a hill and the breaking their line of sight DOES work - another helpful hint from this site. After finding a remote spot to hole up lying prone, a buddy was able to find me in the dark and I obtained a Winchester and some ammo. Looting my first barn resulted in a zombie attack when we were forced to kill one who wandered by as we were leaving. Shot a few, headed into the woods and lost the rest. Whew. Gave my buddy a blood transfusion.

Thankfully, I'd read up on how the inventory system works. Weird, but serviceable after a bit of practice in a safe spot. We even managed to kill a sheep and obtain cooked meat. In the looting, I was also able to pick up some painkillers and morphine.

I feel wealthy with a rifle, pistol, meds, and food. :D Now, gotta find a map.

Thanks for all the helpful tips!

Edited by Travst
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Raid supermarkets, I find more maps there than any other place. Just another tip :P

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Raid supermarkets, I find more maps there than any other place. Just another tip :P

Thanks, I have one scoped out for tonight. :thumbsup:

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This is just solid proof that when you actually take some time to sit down and do some research, you are more likely to have a smooth and enjoyable experience. It will only get easier from here on in, more people should take from your example.

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This is just solid proof that when you actually take some time to sit down and do some research, you are more likely to have a smooth and enjoyable experience. It will only get easier from here on in, more people should take from your example.

Yep, Getting yourself Armed is by far the hardest part. After that just have be smart around zombies, and decide whether to be friendly or Hostile Towards Other Players.

Unfortuantly i Have been killed to many times by people who said they were friend so i don't take that chance, :facepalm:

Good Luck Though :thumbsup:

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Yep, Getting yourself Armed is by far the hardest part. After that just have be smart around zombies, and decide whether to be friendly or Hostile Towards Other Players.

Unfortuantly i Have been killed to many times by people who said they were friend so i don't take that chance, :facepalm:

Good Luck Though :thumbsup:

I have found that clan life solves most of those problems :P trust no one but yourselves. We don't spend too much time on the coast though, so no one is really friendly up north :D

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I neglected to mention the Arma2 boot camp. That was a very effective training tool. I recommend it to anyone who is starting the game. Moving, shooting, driving, medical.... it's in there. I knew there was a boot camp because someone here mentioned it.

Edited by Travst

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